Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (160)

She was becoming more and more distant from him.

He laughed at himself and asked, "Does every piece of jewelry here have a name?"

As he got closer, Qiao Ruoxi could smell the alcohol on him.

It was morning now. Did he drink again last night?


"Did anyone change their mind?"

"No, I'm sorry." Qiao Ruoxi shook her head. "Would you like to see something else?"

Qin Xuming said with a smile, "I'm not interested in anything else. My girlfriend broke up with me and I want to buy her a necklace to beg for her forgiveness."

Qiao Ruoxi sighed in her heart. Why didn't Qin Xuming understand that they were already done?

When it came to relationships, breaking up meant a clear break. It was not something that could be easily recovered by buying a necklace and apologizing.

Qiao Ruoxi knew that Qin Xuming was talking to her on purpose, so she took the opportunity to make things clear.