Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (166)

The woman on the bed threw herself into the air, feeling extremely indignant.

She was the one who had drugged herself, so she could still think.

It wasn't easy for her to think of this method to lure him over. No one could interfere.

She believed that no man would be able to remain unmoved after seeing her figure, which she was confident in.

Feng Yunan had just finished his call when he heard a thud behind him. He turned around and saw that it was Wen Ke'er who had fallen from the bed.

He quickly hung up the phone and rushed over to help her up.

Feng Yunan looked at her for two seconds and didn't know where to put his hands. In the end, he had no choice but to take a thin blanket from the sofa and wrap Wen Ke'er up. He picked her up from the ground and put her back on the bed.

Wen Ke'er was frustrated. Why was he not tempted even when she was completely undressed?

Didn't they say that men were visual animals?