Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (181)

Qiao Ruoxi did not even turn her head as they walked past each other until they reached the men's floor.

Feng Yunan and Wen Ke'er also went down the escalator. Wen Ke'er was still immersed in the drama she was in and continued to talk to him non-stop.

But Feng Yunan was no longer in the mood to listen. He suddenly stopped and said, "I think I need to buy another shirt."

"Sure, I'll go upstairs with you," Wen Ke'er said considerately.

Feng Yunan ordered the bodyguards, "Take the gifts to the car and wait for me outside."

After giving his instructions, Feng Yunan held Wen Ke'er in his arms and turned to walk towards the elevator.

Wen Ke'er did not notice Feng Yunan's strange behavior at all. She was very pleased with herself. Because of what had happened yesterday, Feng Yunan had specially set aside his work to accompany her shopping.