Love Comes Like A Southern Breeze (185)

They were probably describing rich people like Mu Yunli and Feng Yunan.

Under everyone's gaze, Qiao Ruoxi accompanied Mu Yunli into the banquet hall. After entering, she felt a little regretful.

She felt that she was out of place in this place, surrounded by people dressed in gorgeous and beautiful clothes. It was as if she had entered a world that did not belong to her.

She subconsciously wanted to pull back her feet, but Mu Yunli did not give her a chance to escape. He grabbed her wrist tightly and brought her in.

Qiao Ruoxi still did not know that she had come to the famous Wenjing Garden, the Wen family's home.

But when she walked into the villa, she suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It was her first time here, but it felt like it wasn't her first time.

If it was during the day or if there was no one around, she might look up and take a good look.