Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (198)

From the strong rejection at the beginning to the present, she could slowly adapt and accept it.

He could feel a magical feeling.

Everything was telling him that he was about to share blood ties with a baby.

After checking, Qiao Ruoxi sat up on the bed and turned to find Feng Yunan standing at the door, quietly watching her.

He was wearing a black windbreaker on his suit jacket. He stood there with a rare tenderness on his handsome face.

When did Feng Yunan come?

Qiao Ruoxi was both shocked and surprised.

She thought he wouldn't come, but he still came.

She was slightly surprised but quickly calmed down. She put on her shoes and got out of bed.

"Mr. Feng, I'm done," Qiao Ruoxi said as she stood in front of him. "You can leave if you're busy."

"What about you?" he asked.


Qiao Ruoxi had just opened her mouth when her phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Mu Yunli calling.