Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (216)

After figuring this out, Qiao Ruoxi was indescribably surprised and touched.

It seemed like a tyrant man was a little humane!

After that, Qiao Ruoxi took Qiao Rongjing around the villa. By the time the tour ended, the servants had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

While they were eating, Qiao Ruoxi picked up some food for her brother with the chopsticks and said, "Jing, you gotta eat more. You'll grow taller only if you eat more!"

"You too," Qiao Rongjing said.

The siblings picked up their food and ate happily as if Feng Yunan was not there.

Feng Yunan looked at the interaction between the siblings and put down his knife and fork. The jealousy in his heart emerged again.

Qiao Rongjing agitated him and reminded him of his childhood.

He was like a child who had been forgotten. He looked at others with envy and desire.