Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (222)

While she was helping him with his tie, Feng Yunan was staring at her eyebrows and the cute little hair on her head.

It really felt like a wife serving her husband.

She quickly helped him tie his tie and looked at him in the mirror. "Mr. Feng, what do you think?"

"Uh, we can make do."

The man held the black card between his slender fingers and handed it to Xu Xiyan, signaling her to pay.

'He was willing to wear a maroon-colored suit?'

Qiao Ruoxi let out a sigh of relief. She had finally dealt with the difficult one. This meant that she would be able to get off work soon.

He swiped his card and paid the bill. Then, he went out in his new suit.

Qiao Ruoxi hugged the jacket he'd changed out of and followed behind him. "Mr. Feng, I've helped you choose your clothes. Can I leave now?"


"Why? It's already past the working hours. I'm very tired and my feet are aching. I really don't want to walk anymore."