Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (226)

No matter what the media was gossiping about, Feng Yunan's expression remained cold. His aura was so strong that no one dared to approach him.

Wen Ke'er kept a friendly smile on her face.

She did not answer the reporter, but she hugged Feng Yunan's arm tightly and rested her head on his shoulder, using her cute and helpless state to show how close they were.

After waiting for the reporters and bodyguards to leave, Feng Yunan brought Wen Ke'er into the banquet hall. Not long after, some big shots with status came over to socialize.

A familiar voice came from the crowd. "Mr. Feng, how have you been?"

Feng Yunan turned his head and saw Qin Xuming in a silver-gray suit, holding a wine glass with one hand in his pocket. He stood in the crowd with a faint smile on his face.

"Why are you here?"

Feng Yunan was suspicious. Qin Xuming had already been sentenced and was in jail. How did he get out?