Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (230)

Qiao Ruoxi did not dare to call for help. She was afraid that her calling for help would anger the man, afraid that he would do something outrageous to her again.

She could only wait for people to pass by and see if she could ask for help.

In order to stall for time, she had no choice but to continue chatting with him. "Fine, tell me. What's the reason?"

"The police diagnosed me with schizophrenia, and they released me. You should know that when a mentally ill person is unable to identify or control their actions, they can be spared from legal responsibilities."

After Qin Xuming told her the reason, Qiao Ruoxi finally understood why Qin Xuming was acting so strangely at that time.

One moment he was begging her gently, and the next moment he was showing his fierce side to her.

But he didn't look like someone with mental illness.