Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (232)

"Brother Nan, did you see that? Miss Qiao and President Mu's relationship is not as simple as you think," Wen Ke'er said.

"Just now, I even saw her being entangled with President Qin, and now she's in a room with President Mu. Sigh, don't be fooled by her innocent look."

She could not hold it in any longer and clenched her fists. The veins on her forehead popped out as she gritted her teeth. She was surrounded by an overbearing storm and could explode at any time.

"If she dares to cheat on me, she's dead!"

After saying this, Feng Yunan walked towards the lounge in a bid to see what was going on.

Wen Ke'er stopped him in time. "Brother Nan, calm down. If you go and look for her now, she will only think that you care about her very much. And she will only rely on your care and look down on you even more. You should go back to the venue first!"