Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (235)

Feng Yunan, who was standing by the dance floor, stared at the dance floor.

There were dozens of couples dancing, but he could still spot her among them.

She was unbelievably beautiful tonight.

It was like a black pearl, bright and dazzling.

It was impossible to ignore her.

Seeing the woman dancing on the dance floor and whispering intimately with another man, the anger in his heart was like a volcano that could not be quelled.

He wondered if he had not taught her enough lessons.

Was he being too kind to her that she forgot her place?

He could not stand Qiao Ruoxi's act of helping an outsider. He turned to Wen Ke'er and said, "Ke'er, let's dance together!"

Wen Ke'er had been waiting for his invitation. She handed her hand to him happily. "Sure."

The two of them quickly turned around and entered the dance floor. Wen Ke'er noticed that Feng Yunan's eyes were like a compass as he kept looking at Qiao Ruoxi.