Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (329)

Qiao Ruoxi immediately hid in the car like an ostrich and covered herself with his jacket.

The man quickly came back and opened the car door. He spread out the wide blanket and wrapped her tightly in it.

"Hey, Feng Yunan…"

Qiao Ruoxi cried out in her heart. Before she could react to what was happening, her body was picked up.

"Put me down. I can walk by myself."

She really couldn't stand his overbearing behavior. What did he think she was?

A sack?

'This man doesn't even know what respect is, right?'

But then again, the blanket was soft and warm. It was really comfortable to have it wrapped around her body. It was not cold at all.

"If you move again, I'll throw you into the pool."

When they passed by the fountain, Feng Yunan threatened her with a soft voice. Qiao Ruoxi was so scared that she shut her mouth and stopped struggling.

Feng Yunan carried her back to the villa and went straight to the master bedroom.