Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (244)

He stepped on the marble table and smashed the glass display cabinet. The priceless blue and white porcelain and jade ornaments fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Even so, he did not stop. He smashed everything in the house that he could.

In the end, he stood in the ruins and felt even more helpless and terrified.

Ever since he was a child, no one had ever taught him how to deal with his problems with women. His relationship with his mother was incredibly strained, causing him to be more afraid of women than he was curious about them.

The only girl he cared about was the one who had saved him, Wen Ke'er. Other than that, he really did not know how to treat Qiao Ruoxi.

Qiao Ruoxi stood on the stairs leading to the second floor, still in the same position she had been pushed away by him just now. She had witnessed the man's madness with her own eyes.