Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze

Before she left, she passed by the jewelry store and took a look at the jewelry before leaving with her bag.

She had not come into contact with the display case during this time. They could basically tell that the jewelry was still there when Qiao Ruoxi got off work.

Then the problem would have to wait until after work.

Feng Yunan narrowed the time and slowed down the speed.

It was already 11 o'clock and the shop was closed. The main lights in the shop were also turned off and the screen was slightly dimmer.

Nothing happened until 4: 35 AM when someone came into the store.

The man walked straight to the treasure display case and opened it with the key. He took out the pink pigeon egg diamond, locked the display case, and left the flagship store without anyone noticing.

Seeing who was behind it, Feng Yunan slammed the table angrily.

Xiu Yi exclaimed in surprise, "Oh my god! It's her!"
