Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (255)

In the distance, Auntie Jiang saw her waiting alone and was moved. 'Young Madam has been waiting for three days in a row but Young Master has not returned for three days. Are they really going to go separate ways this time?'

She had already seen the news. It was rumored that Feng Yunan was celebrating Wen Ke'er's birthday on Christmas.

But Feng Yunan had no idea that it was also Wen Ke'er's birthday today!

In order not to make Qiao Ruoxi wait too long, Auntie Jiang made up her mind. Even if she had to risk offending Feng Yunan, she had to say what she needed to say.

She quietly left the villa and took out her phone to send a message to Xiu Yi.

Coincidentally, when Feng Yunan received the message, he sent Wen Ke'er back to her apartment. The door of the apartment was closed and he could not report the news to Feng Yunan.