Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (257)

After the security guard left, Feng Yunan turned to open the balcony door. When he pulled it open, he realized something was wrong. The door could not be opened. It was probably locked from the inside.

He tried to open the windows again, but they were all locked.

Feng Yunan did not give up and continued to knock on the door and window. But no matter how hard he tried, the person inside did not open the door for him.

He wanted to go back the way he came, but the ladder was already taken away.


He must be really unlucky tonight.

What should she do now?

He asked the security guard to come? But there was no call from him!

Find someone to save him?

No, no, no. If someone found out that he was sneaking around in the middle of the night, it would ruin his reputation.

As a result, Feng Yunan had to spend the night on the balcony.

It was snowing outside and the temperature was very low.