Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (261)

"You're right." Feng Yunan couldn't help but look at her with admiration. He didn't expect her to know so much at such a young age.

Qiao Ruoxi took a tour around the workshop and loved everything inside. Perhaps only a craftsman would love the tools of a craftsman.

"Mr. Feng, why did you suddenly bring me here today? Just to show me around?"

She stopped beside the sand wheel and looked back at him. From Feng Yunan's perspective, she was like a fresh color in an old picture, but it was not out of place. It was as if she could blend well into the scene.

"If you want to participate in the competition, you will have to use the workshop. You can use everything here." Feng Yunan stuck one hand into his pocket and gestured with the other. "But you need to clean this place yourself."

Was Qiao Ruoxi hallucinating?

Feng Yunan had brought her here so that he could provide her with the workshop?