Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (272)

After listening to him, Qiao Ruoxi felt a little emotional. He looked like a wealthy man with a glorious appearance, but behind his back, there was a bitterness and helplessness that no one knew about. She could understand, but she could not say anything.

"Let's go, Mr. Feng. I'm done resting."

When they were done resting, Qiao Ruoxi was about to leave. Feng Yunan accompanied her downstairs.

"My sister has a bad temper," Feng Yunan reminded. "She's been spoiled since she was a child, so we should avoid direct conflicts with her."

Qiao Ruoxi had already seen that Ling Xuan was not the kind of woman who was easy to talk to. She asked, "I can choose not to cause trouble for her, but what if she does?"

"I'll educate her!" Just as Feng Yunan finished his words, a call came in. "Let me take this call."

After the call ended, Feng Yunan glanced at Qiao Ruoxi. Qiao Ruoxi's intuition told him that it had something to do with her. "What's wrong?"