Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (274)

"My dog did bite her, but I didn't tell it to bite her. I don't know what happened either," explained Qiao Ruoxi.

Feng Yuanshan looked at the situation. It was not a big deal. Thus, he said, "Xuanxuan, Grandpa has arranged for someone to take you for an injection. Hurry up and get up!"

Ling Xuan refused to give up. "Grandfather, aren't you going to do something about it? You can't indulge her just because she's pregnant! She even let the dog bite my wrist. She knows that I studied design, but she actually let the dog bite me. She just doesn't want me to participate in the competition!"

"Grandpa, I didn't do that," explained Qiao Ruoxi.

"Who would believe you if you said you didn't do it? It was clearly you who had evil intentions! Otherwise, why would you bring a dog to the Feng family today? You're obviously targeting me!" Ling Xuan spoke angrily.