Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (277)

She thought it was a waiter, but when she looked up, she was surprised to see that it was Feng Yunan.

Oh my god, why was this Supreme Divinity here?

"Xixi…" Li Yixue turned to Qiao Ruoxi, who was sitting beside her and eating pickled vegetables. When Qiao Ruoxi turned to look over, she was so shocked that she dropped the pickled vegetables.

Ah… Why was Feng Yunan here?!

Mu Yunli noticed that it was Feng Yunan and greeted him with a smile. "Oh, President Feng, what brings you here?"

Feng Yunan glanced at them indifferently. Then, he looked at the fish with pickled vegetables on the table and said, "I came to order fish with pickled vegetables. It looks good."

"Of course, it can't be compared to the Tiffany Restaurant that President Feng always eats at!" Mu Yunli deliberately scolded him. "Since President Feng is here, why don't we eat together?"

Mu Yunli sat in front of Qiao Ruoxi and gave the seat beside him to Feng Yunan.