"surprise! "

Tobias speak while smiling at her. His face was now dry but she can still told that he cried a while ago.

"surprise what? "

Maria asked, she doesn't want to conclude. But her eyes kept on producing water that made her make up smeared.

"it's our wedding day you little witch! "

Tobias speak as if he was irritated at her. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and dried her wet face.

Maria was so shocked that she just stared at Tobias. She was not assuming at all! She was right! The DJ didn't played the wrong music either!

"hey babe, are you going to eat me now? Can you just wait till we finished telling our vows for each other? "

Tobias teased her when she did not produce even a single syllable.

Maria heard the visitors around them laugh by what Tobias said. That made her snapped back from daydreaming.

She snatched the handkerchief from Tobias' hand and saw the stain of make up from it.

"you jerk, look what have you done! You ruined my make up! I'm so ugly now! "

Maria whined exhaustedly. She even covered her face due to embarrassment!

"of course not, you're so beautiful babe. "

Tobias complimented her, then he hugged her tight.

"I love you. "

Tobias whispered to her ear lovingly.

"I love you more, you surprised me, really. This is the best day ever! Thank you my Toby. "

Maria said from the bottom of her heart which made her cry once more.

"hush now, okay? "

"cough, cough"

They both turned thier heads towards the priest who coughed intentionally to caught their attention.

"I'm sorry father. "

Tobias apologized and set her free from his warm embrace.

"that can wait youngsters. "

The priest speak seriously but there's a spark of playfulness on his eyes which made Maria's cheeks turned crimson red.

The ceremony went on smoothly till the priest asked them to speak their vows.

Tobias was the first to talk because Maria wanted to practice her speech.

'practice?! As if I can! '

Maria thought sarcastically. It's Tobias fault for not telling her about this!

'it would not be a surprise anymore if he told you!'

The other part of her thought told her sarcastically.

"To the woman in front of me, to the mother of my children and upcoming more children.. "

Tobias intro made the crowd guffaw from laughter and made Maria blushed even more!