The Fertile Plains (Part 1)

Among one of the three great rivers that flows down on the East side of the Dark Forest a certain young man was floating alongside with a group of logs for a unknown period of time.

It doesn't seem like he's having a great time and was feeling uncomfortable at the moment.


After Aries happened to just barely escaped the catastrophe inside the forest, he was now in another tight situation. And that is, to where were he will go at this moment.

What he saw floating on the river since he escape had shocked him to the core.

Hundreds of cadaver were floating alongside with him, the beautiful forest in the morning and dead bodies of these animals on the river gave him some goosebumps.

And now he's having a second thought if.....he will now get to the riverbank and look for a way to treat himself, or to stay afloat for awhile until he make sure that he is safe.

He checks his system time.

*9:30 AM*

He was now far from the forest and could see a boundless plain in front of him. "I should wait until mid afternoon before finding myself some good place to rest." Aries thought

He decided that he will just wait for a few more hours to check the plains surrounding before moving off. Although he could feel the pain and exhaustion, enduring it at the moment until he feels safe might be the best course of action.

By now the lush green forest were long gone and all he could see were infinite grasses and small trees on the plains.

There are also some group of small hilltop from time to time with trees and other plants on it but it could not compare to the forest he used to live with. He checked his backpack and picked up the food stored in it.

He has a quarter piece of smoke fish left during the day 2, although it was a liitle wet after it was soaked with the water during the escape, eating it is better than nothing at the moment of food crisis. After filling up his stomach he directly drunk water on the river by using his two palms.

He looked around his surroundings while assesing his current situation.

It was exactly 1pm when Aries decided to get onto the riverbank.

Just beside it were some trees and bountiful grasses naturally in sync with the nature like as long as the river exist they won't die.

He also decided to get some fresh animal cadavers as he can used them later on.

"Light pull up my character status" He said.

**Character Status and Information**

Name: Aries Dela Cerna

Age: 14

Height: 161 cm

Race: Human

Strength: 8 (-6)

Agility: 5 (-4)

Intelligence: 5

Experience: 14/15

Knowledge Tree: 3/1,000,000,000

Health Status: Broken Rib Cage(Right):

Rib Cage Damage: 20%

Possible result if not treated immediately: Torn or punctured aorta, punctured lungs, lacerated spleen, liver or kidneys


Lack of Sleep(80%)

Exhaustion (90%)

"How cruel" He mumbled.

The fractured had gotten worsen after escaping. What he need are some bandages or atleast some herbs to heal it. A proper rest can also be effective but it may take some time.

He got nothing but headache while thinking of living inside that damnable place. He wants to start anew but to do that he needs to keep his life intact with no injuries or whatsoever that will affect his future progress.

He decided to close the UI at the moment and check some of the trees.

He found a tree where he can rest safely at the moment. It also has a big hole on it.

The downside is that it's not completely safe as it was naturally created on the middle lower trunk of the tree where some animals might still be able reach it.

Not unlike his previous camp where he feels at ease because it is far higher compared to this.

The only advantages is that he does not need to climb up further as and can save enough strength. That will also prevent him from getting more fracture.

Before climbing up, he did the last thing and that was to skinned, chopped and smoked some dead animals like deers and wild rabbits. There is also a big bear he pulled back to the riverbank. He will skinned and use the fur to make a dress.

He also let those fur and carcasses hang on the tree branches. He put up a fire using the now dried hand drill he had. Some meat were hanged as well as they can naturally be preserved and it eat like a meat jerky.

For the other parts of the meat? He sliced them up and were either smoke or thrown back to the river except the bones which will be put in good use later on. The skulls can be used as his cup as well while he does not have a leatherskin to kept some water as it is not invented yet.

After everything has been settled and cooking some food for this night. He put off the fire, dig 1meter below the ground to keep the ashes and clues after butchering the dead animals from unwanted visitors.

He is becoming more and more concerned of his new environment. And now that he's injured he cannot afford to commit a mistake. Nobody would dare to stroll looking like a ragdoll as he is now unless one has a deathwish.

Once he's done. He carefully climb up at the tree hole along with all his materials. He stashed them all at one side.

And now he had an ample of smoke meat food and stuff that could last him a week or two without looking for anything. Except going out to get water while doing his personal hygiene or herbs, he would not leave this place until he was fully treated.

Aries was now so tired that he just wanted to close his eyes.

And after checking the surroundings, he carefully looked outside the hole while the sun closes down.

The bow and arrows were just beside him as well ready to be used at any moment of notice.

He forced his body to lay down.

"This body of mine might collapse due to fatigue if i do not rest"

"I will sleep for now and think of a way to heal and gather herbals later". He thought before closing his eyes.

It was already 6:30PM before the boy had taken his rest.