Three Gift

Inside a dark space a tiny blue light appeared suddenly, this tiny blue light have the shape like that of upside down fire. This tiny light also have a face but at this time thw face showed a blank look when suddenly the dark space becoming brighter and brighter, until someone voice that full of majesty was heard.

[oh look what we have here, a tiny little soul that somehow arrived at this place, it was interesting shall we check how this tiny soul can arrive here] said the voice, when auddenly the voice become silent before laughing out load.

[hahahahaha this soul is interesting really interesting it been so long since l last laughed, for making me laughing so hard after a long time l will give you a gift] said the voice while sounding excited.

[now what kind of gift shall l give you, hmm.... Ah l know. I will reincarnate you in that world a world full of sea and island. Hmm but l think it was not enought after all that place was full of danger so l will give you another gift, hmm... What should l give you hmmm.... Ah l will make your body stronger and can recover faster also l will imprint all martial art in that world inside your soul, okay l think that was enou.... Ah l forgot that you love fishing right so l will give you this fruit and because this fruit was given by me it doesn't have a limitation like the other and at the same time you can also consume another fruit and it will also not have a limitation, okay now off you go] said the voice before teleportating the tiny soul, the tiny soul without his knowledge was given a gift by a great being and was reincarnated into a world that was as if just built for him.


Twenty two years ago a boy was born in this tiny island, in this tiny island that was only occupied by a few tens of resident the boy birth brought joy into many but not even a year went by all the people in this island was massacred by a bandit except for the new born boy, the bandit took the newborn boy and decided to sell it went they got captured by the marine.

The newborn boy then got into the custody of the marine and was trained into becoming a marine.

Present time, a few kilometer away from the paradise was a single boat, the boat was so tiny it can only fit two people at the most and on top of that boat was a man the man wore a sunglasses and beach clothes with a marine robe drapped on his shoulder, the man was holding a fishing rod while beside him was a metal bucket, this man was the reincarnated gin right now his name was also gin but with different surname, the same with his previous world he still loved fishing even after he become a rear admiral in this world, because of his hobby he ditched his work and gone fishing.

A few years ago when he was still an apprentice he searched for a way to fish but because he was still an apprentice and he don't want to get kicked out he searched for a way to raise his rank and that was by training like mad and make merit, finally after more than a year of hardwork he become the youngest commodore and after that he started to ditch work and gone somewhere to fish until he got reprimanded by his superior all most everyday.


Gin was absorbed in his fishing that he was not aware of his surrounding when a giant marine ship started nearing his location, the ship was getting nearer and nearer and at the same time gin fishing hook caught a fish.

As the hook caught a fish gin calmly roll in his fishing rod just as he saw the fish the ship went pass by and created a giant wave that rocked his little boat and somehow his fishing line got cut, seeing his fishing line got cut gin cursed out.

"fuck, my fish, my fishing line, where the fuck did that wave come from?" gin then looked at the source of the wave and saw the ship and all it crew that was looking at him like an idiot, some of them even pointing at him while whispering at each other.

Thank to his enhanced sense even without using haki gin can hear what those people say.

"hey that was the infamous fishing idiot right?"

"yeah that was him first time seeing him and the rumor are actually true huh!"

"yeah l wonder how can someone like him can became a rear admiral?"

"yeah it was a wonder how he can become one when all he did was only fishing!"

Hearing their smack talk gin become even angrier, he murmured while leaking a killing intent "not only did you guys not apologizing you even mock me and talk shit right in front of you wanna die so much huh"

Gin body then vanished from the boat and appeared right in front of the talker as he punched the two of them and sent them flying to the sea, his body the dissapeard again and appeared in front those that talk shit about him or looking at him like an idiot and sent them flying to the sea.

After that consumed by his rage he used busoshoku haki on his palm turning it into a black metalic color he then made a knife hand and strike the ship floor.


With a loud explosion the ship was split into two and then sink into the sea, as the ship sank into the sea a roar could be heard as a shadow come out from the sunken ship.

"GINNNN You bastard!!!!"