
early release!!

Martial Competition is over.

'Duan Yu Han Fang' is the winner.

But to everyone's surprise show is just began.

8People came to the stage. Precisely, 7elderly people. They were quite strong. That could be seen from their faces. They were 7 heads of the 10 overlord's. one of them came to front and spoke "Let the Fun Begin"..

"Let the Fun Begin".. this sentence reached the whole arena. It was like a something is about to happen. because one who told this the who suffered heaviest loss in this competition. 'Cold Sect' patriarch 'Yun Sen'.


In a place far away from the arena there stood a majestic palace. It is the main palace of the 'Han Clan'. Starting from outside there was blood spread everywhere on the ground. Corpses were layed here and there on the ground. There head was not present on their body. Some people's body were exploded. There was not a single life was present. It was devastating.

10 people were walking leisurely . they were wearing black hoods. They were the same people who destroyed the 'Black Demon Forest' and killed the clan guards.

"Old 3rd this is very easy"… the person on the starting speaking.

"it's a pity that such a ancient clan is going to be wiped out."…another one spoke.

"it was a order afterall. Even if we did not take this job they would be viped out by others. Hehhe it's a pity that we didn't got any great beuties"…another one spoke.

"they must be at the arena. Soon we will be there . have patience. Hehhe." They were talking among themselves.

Suddenly they halted. The reason was because their came a person. He was a elderly person.

He was the 2nd elder sent by the clan patriarch to watch the situation outside.

When he saw this his face lost all colour. His own clansmen were lying dead. So how could his face not colour.

He got enraged .

"are you the one who did this?""who the hell are you?" killing intent gushed out.he was like king of hunters.

"you sure are talkative for a dying person" some one from the 10 black hood people spoke.

"is that so?" 2nd elder got mad Power at the peak of the middle stage of "Earthly Sovereign" rushed out of his body.

He took out a wepon.

"earthly weapon!! hehhe".. eyes of some of the 10 black hood people lit up.

"Earthly splitter" 2nd started madly using his attack. Earth sarted trembling.

"hehhe only mid Earthly Sovereign. Not bad but too weak…" one of the 10 black hood people spoke with disdain.

"die" 2nd elder howled.

Just as his attack was about to reach the 10 people, a sharp glint passed through the neck of the 2nd elder and his head got separated from his body. He died.

"Let's go. "

Those people vanished.


At the arena one the stage as the 'Cold Sect ' head spoke a terror surface on "Han Clan' head Han Man.

"Guards secure the clan people." He gave the order.

Just as he gave the order a loud laughter can be heard. This came from the 7 overlords on stage.

"Let's begin." They spoke in unison. Just as they spoke wild power started flowing from them. Thet instantly bring their younger generation to them. And their people started attacking 'Han Clan' people.

Those 10 black hood people also came to the arena. They with the 7 overlords people started massacaring 'Han Clan ' people and the crowd. Blood bath started.

*boo* boom** boom*.

"why?" 'Han Man' howled in rage.

"hehhe you ask this Han Man?"" you and your clan was always a eye sore to us being the head of us." Today you will perish with the clan.". 'Shu Sect' patriarch spoke coldly.

"is this the end of my clan? " fear filled 'Han Man'. He couldn't do anything as people are getting slaughtered.

"now die!!" 'Cold Sect' patriarch went towards 'Duan Yu Han Fang' to kill him.

"little brother". Startled 'Han Xinaer' went in front of 'Duan Yu Han Fang' to protect.

"what audacity". 'Han Man' got enraged. His people got killed . now his son was going to be killed . how can he backout now. his full power rushed out .

He attacked 'Yun Sen ' with his full power. 'Yun Sen' who are weaker than 'Han Man' his body got exploded.

Chill went through the other 6 overlord's heads.

"Ahh!" a pierced through the body of 'Han Man' right at his heart.

"Father! ""Father! " both 'Han Xinaer' and 'Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke at the same time. Both got worried.

"who?" 'Han Man' moved his head to watch who it was. It was a black hood person.

The real down fall has finally began. And a ancient clan will be wiped out of history. To be continued.