9)Mysterious swordsman

In a lonely filled with only deadly demonic beasts there is a stone rock. It is very sturdy and it cannot be broken be very easily. But now it has blood splatterd all over it.

There is boy standing in front of the rock. His palms were injured were badly.



Blood is flowing from his palms on the ground. And is panting heavily.

"one more time" *tak* boy hit the stone rock with his bare palm. *ahh* of course it hell hurts. "Once More" he is trying to hit the stone times again and again. His palms are getting injured again and gain.

This boy had a handsome face and eyes filled with determination but coldness. He is around 8 years of age. He is none other than 'Duan Yu Han Fang'. The heaven defying genius.

After his clan got destroyed he became a cripple. So he cannot become a martial artist. But he made a challenge to go against the will of the heavens . otherwise there is no hope for him. That's why he is trying to hit the stone rock by bare palms to break it..

"ooof!! Oofff!" he is panting heavily. "I can't fail" he had firm determination . so he started punching the rock again and again.

Somewhere far away in the forest on a large tree a Handsome Middle Aged man was sitting. He has shiny black hair and good looking eyes. There is a rusty old sword on his back. But his eyes had a strange glow. He has been watching 'Duan Yu Han Fang' from the point he had started to practice...

"what a child?? Such will power. I came to this run down forest to find the 'Red Refining Lotus' but who would have thought I would find a jewel."" But alas he is crippled. Nothing can be done".. "let's get moving" he started to move but he suddenly saw something astounding.

'Duan Yu Han Fang' who should have fainted by now is hitting the rocks again and again . but there is a strange thing . he is always hitting at the straight same point.

*crack* after 'Duan Yu Han Fang' hitted it many times there is finally a faint crack on stone rock.

He is panting heavily but speaking something that made the handsome middle aged man's eyes shine..

He spoke" I will definitely defy the heaven's". when he spoke he was filled with firm determination and confidence.

" I really found a jewel" handsome middle aged man vanished.

He arrived in front of 'Duan Yu Han Fang'.

He spoke to 'Duan Yu Han Fang' "boy watch this".

'Duan Yu Han Fang' was surprised when he saw this middle aged handsome man.

The middle aged handsome man just lifted his pointing finger of right arm and tapped at the stone rock lightly .


Stone rock exploded into pieces.

"boy did you see this?" middle aged person grinned.

"yes! How did you see this?" 'Duan Yu Han Fang's' eyes shone brightly.

"boy! What are you doing here??" middle aged person asked.

'Duan Yu Han Fang' frowned a little. What he was doing here .?? obviously training.

"training" 'Duan Yu Han Fang' replied.

"you are a cripple right? so what can you do now?? Training is useless don't you know?? You can't walk on martial path." Middle aged person calmly spoke.

"is that so? I will disobey the will of heaven's . I will make my own martial path. How can I tell if I don't try??" 'Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke straight forward looking into his eyes.

Middle aged person's eyes shone brightly.. " so what? Everything is only talk. And since you are a normal mortal now you will perish earlier" he spoke.

"is that so? Let's see. Death has no meaning to me." " let's see who perishes first "" me or heavens" 'Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke confidently.

"nice kid nice kid" middle aged man is very excited.

"kid what's your name?" he asked

"'Duan Yu Han Fang'" 'Duan Yu Han Fang' clamly spoke.

"okay 'Fang Kid" have you decide to go against the will of heaven's and not afraid of death??" middle aged person asked.

"yes !!" 'Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke confidently.

"good! Kid 'Fang' would like to come with me??" middle aged person asked.

"EHH?" 'Duan Yu Han Fang' is confused.

To be continued