1)Challenging Sect Elder

The sect is for training talented disciples. But how can a cripple make his way here. So of course sect elders will be little disappointed. This outer court eldrer's still does not know about him so…

One of the elder came forward. He was little old and his strength was decent. His name was 'Teng mun'. "welcome to the outer court. New disciples" he smiled towards the new recruits. There strength was not bad. But just a little diappointed with ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. But nothing can be done. Did the elder's make a error in the selection? Not possible. Also he was getting a strange unfathomable and a little dangerous feeling.

"ok! You can all go to the skill pavilion to select lower grade skill of any tier and come come to battle area.."

"wooh!" everyone got excited. Martial skills were divided into low, medium, high and mortal level . and higher level only exist in the inner mainland of the continent. Mortal level martial arts were rare in the empire. Only top forces may have. Of course 'Martial Pavilion Sect' has it. But they are not available for outer court. And each of them are divided into 3 tiers. 1st,2nd and 3rd.

In the empire except than top forces all other forces only have only top low level martial arts or 1st tier medium as the sacred art of the family. But sect is directly taking out the medium level. How can they not be awed. All 119 disciples of new recruit were bustling with joy.

"who is the top recruit?" elder 'Tend Mun' asked. All the new disciples went silent. How could they show their face. They have lost to a cripple. ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' slowly came forward.

"you are?" elder 'Teng Mun' asked.

"' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' greets elder" he cupped his hands.

"are you the top new disciple?" elder 'Teng Mun' curiously asked.

"yep" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke without any arrogance.

Elder was surprised "then.." elder was about to speak but

"you may all go!!" an arrogant and sharp voice rang out. Whole are tembled lighly. New recruits were taken by the huge pressure. But ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was still standing there.

"elder my reward?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke to elder 'Teng Mun'.

"this…." elder 'Elder Teng Mun' was about to spoke to spoke but another elder of the 3 came forward.

"haven't you heard what I said?" he spoke.

"what about my reward?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke with an sharp tone to this elder.

"Audacious! You are a cripple. I don't how you got no 1 but you don't have a trophy" elder spoke angrily. What cam cripple do with the reward?

"is that so? That means sect cannot give me my reward. Hahha" he was laughing. Many of the new recruits were thinking this was unfair but they have only came so how can they ….

"insolence"elder became angry.

"if your decision final?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' glared at the elder.

"yes!" the elder responded.

"then I challenge you" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke.

"what????" everyone present there got shocked. Just a new disciple and already dares to challenge the elder. Specially being a cripple?

"insolent fool!!" a strong martial power comes out from the elder and it slams heavily on ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. Every disciple retreated.

"sky meddling stage"" really a little powerful for my!!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' murmured. He could not control so spat a mouthful of fresh blood.

He found a little tree stem lying in the ground. He picked it up. And

He waved it angrily at the elder. "raging tiger".

*roar!!* a deafening roar of a tiger can be heard. A sharp gust of wind flew towards the elder like a tiger's jaw.

"AHH!" being off guard his hands sharply got starched and blood fell on the ground.

"this?" even the remaining 2 elders were shot. They were speechless.

' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' forcefully took a step forward under the pressure and stood up. *boom*

A deep pit formed on the ground. In the pit there were 2 people. ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' and elder.

' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was little pale and elder's face was filled with shock.

"just because you at Sky Meddling Stage"" don't think highly of yourself" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' coldly spoke..

Everyone was stunned. Especially the elders. He can tell their cultivation bases??

No matter what happens a legend is about to happen in the history of the sect. a cripple new disciple challenging a elder?

in the world of Martial Cultivation weak cannot tell the realm of strong. only if they have special means then.... but a contradiction occured

"you can tell… my cultivation base?" the elder shockingly spoke.

"now am I capable?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke coldly.


Somewhere far away in the sect on a mountain there was a beautiful girl. The girl was truly beautiful. She was watching ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' carefully from beginning.

"interesting!!! Interesting!!!" "hahha" she was laughing unceremoniously.

To be continued