6)outer skill pavilion, good eyes, ‘baffled’

sorry for the extreme delay

After refining the 'Marrow Strengthening Flower' completely ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was exhausted a little. so started resting a little.

After some time a faint shadow could be seen coming towards him. "hmm?" Due to his large survival instincts ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' got alerted. He got in attentive mode since the world follows law of the jungle.

"come out!!" he shouted.

"seems like new outer recruit is really impressive" a handsome male youth came in front of ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. The youth lightly laughed.

"who are you?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' asked.

"me? I am a deacon of the outer court here" the deacon smilingly spoke.

"8th stage Essence Condensation not bad!?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was slightly surprised by his strength.

"is that so? What brings you here?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' face was expressionless.

"that.. I came here to bring you to the skill pavilion!!" the deacon spoke.

"skill pavilion?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was little confused.

"yes!! Since you managed to defeat the outer court elder you have been granted permission to borrow a mortal grade martial art!!" deacon spoke.

"really?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' eyes shined a little.

"yeah! Since you performed well you have been given this chance."" Other's don't have this chance.

"nice!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' lightly smiled.

"let's go"

"wait" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was interrupted.

"what?" he asked.

"there is something you must know!!" deacon spoke.


"you cannot diverge the fact that you got a mortal grade technique "" that's rule by the sect vice master" deacon spoke

"ok" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' agreed.

"let's go!"

They moved towards the deeper part of the outer court. They came across a run down building. The building was not very big. It just had a single floor but was well protected. The people were guarding it.

"3rd and 4th stage essence condensation experts" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' saw through their cultivation base but was not impressed.

They stopped in front of the skill pavilion.

"deacon sir!!" the 2guards saluted respectfully.

"hmm!" deacon nodded.

"' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' you go inside a elder will receive you there!" deacon spoke.

"ok!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' went inside.

After he left

"deacon he…" the 2 guards spoke with confusion. This was the first time a deacon showing a way to the new outer disciple.

" …" deacon explained.


Inside the skill pavilion was very vast. It was like a wholly a different place. You cannot match with the imagination of the run down building.

"space matrix!!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' eyes shone a little. in this world filled with various mysteries there is a mysterious thing called a matrix. It is a very strange thing. And only some special people can create it. But it is a very mysterious thing. It has various kinds and depends on how it is made. And space matrix is one such thing.

The space matrix inside this skill pavilion is one such thing. It contains spacial power and it provides a large nearly infinite space.

"you have good eyes kid" a strange voice came into his ear.

"hmm?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' turned to see but no one could be found. He slightly looked towards a certain direction.

"a peak 1st sky meddling expert"" capable of illusion skills" although he could not see the person but he could somehow sense him.

"not bad! Not bad!" the strange came again.

"here!" a token fell towards ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'.

"use this to get a mortal grade martial skill!"" but you can choose only one! Whatever type it may be"" but don't go inside farther or you will be forever lost!!" the strange voice pointed to a certain direction.

' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' went into that direction.

While moving in that direction he could see various kinds of martial skills being kept on shelves. He was not interested in anything. Soon he reached a point. He could not move forward.

"hmm?" He took out the token he got earlier and used it. He could pass through easily.

There where very few skills since mortal grade skills are very rare. They were floating here and there.

mortal grade martial skills are not like the skills on higher garde or lower. starting from this level they have spiritual consciousness. and these skills here are also bound by some spells. that's why they are floating.

seeing this ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' got reminded of some place.

"let's see"

"dragon's breath"

"lethal strike"

"sky shattering"

He saw a total of five skills floating. But he was not impressed by any of it. There were like garbage in his eyes. He discarded them easily.

"is this so called mortal grade martial arts?" when 'han Clan' still existed there skills lower than mortal grade were far better than this.

"sigh!" he was sad that his 'Han Clan' no longer existed. Nothing could be done. but he was resolute

"this is the so called difference between inner and outer continent? Currently ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was in outer part of the continent. Having these kinds of skills is still great. If anyone in the empire heard this they would puke blood. These were one of the only 15 mortal grade martial skills in the empire. And these where garbage in the eyes of ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'.

But it can't be blamed to him. He was once a part of the powerhouse which could topple the empire without batting even an eye. Alas!!!.

"come her boy!"

"come here boy!"

This voice was lightly lingering in his ear!!.

"hmm??" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was confused. who was calling him? when he looked he found no one.

"who is it?" he spoke.

" " no response was came.

"come here boy!" this voice once again lingered in his ear!!

"who?" he shouted again.

" " no response again.

"come here boy!" it lingered again.

"let's see!" he was little annoyed and

went in that direction to see.

When he went in that direction after few seconds he stopped. He was slightly surprised.

"this?" there was a crimson blue coloured majestic flame was burning hot!! And in these flames there was a sroll burning. Not burning it could be said baptising. Scroll stand stood floating in air on the burning crimson blue majestic flame and nothing happened.

The crimson phoenix flame inside his body was getting little agitated.

*screech* A burning crimson phoenix made of the crimson phoenix flame came out to devour the crimson blue majestic flame.

"this.. what is happening…" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang ' was little baffled. Why was his flame behaving like this?

"and this scroll and flame?" he was also shocked due to the crimson blue majestic flame and the scroll.

What is this flame? What is this doing here? Why does his flame is acting like this in front of this weird flame? What is this scroll standing like this and being un-burnt? And who was it that called him?

These were the mysteries that made him baffled.

He went to see who it was

To be continued