8) challanging ’flame king’, summit, ‘shameless flame king’

Everything looked the same. But a torrential pressure started to built up. And a invisible rock hard wall started to built up in front of him. If considered properly it can be seen that he was blocked inside a invisible cage. He cannot take a single step outside.

' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' turned back and looked that there was a handsome person with frosty look. There were various kinds of flame dancing around him. This person was looking like a true god descended from heaven's for giving judgement.

"what is the meaning of this?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' tightly frowned. He could tell that things have truly gone in wrong things. But he is not afraid. He once lost everything and have become cripple and decided to go against the will of the heaven's. if he got afraid now he cannot become a great expert and cannot save his sister. although he was not afraid but on the opposite was the person who stood at the peak of this world. if he really wants to kill him he can kill him without even lifting a finger. so he had to be careful.

"hehhe! You refused me the one who everyone call's flame king"" you have got quite some nerve!! To reject me"" if this matter's get out how am I supposed to face them?" 'flame king' icily spoke.

"you mean at the summit?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' asked.

"oh! You knew about summit?" there was a slight shock on 'flame king's' face. It is said that all the great expert's who once created their legend in this 'great power continent' have left this place and went for a far away and powerful place called the summit. It is said that summit is the end of this world. Mightiest existences ever can be found there but only those who have reached in the martial dao of the 'continent' can go to that place. It is said that it is the hold land for martial dao and those who reach their can truly walk un-hindered under the heaven's.

many powerful existences of the continent wish to go there but only the truly outstanding one can reach there. and those who reach there are the top individual's of the continent and they stood at the pinnacle of the continent. 'flame king' also went to that place long ago.

a strong spellcaster once placed a strong spell on the word *summit*. only those truly powerful can speak this word and least you should be is a sovereign but he spoke so easily. it is really is a amazing feat. and only those true powerhouses know about it.

"yeah! I once heard about it!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' nonchalantly spoke.

"is that so?"" you are the first person to reject my kindness so what should I do with you?" 'flame king' icily asked.

"you want to use your peak power to bully weak ant like me?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke.

"hehhe! In this world between heaven and earth only mighty have survived. "" and in front of almighty power nothing works!!" 'flame king' spoke. It is true fact for martial cultivator's.

"…"' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' had nothing to speak.

"I can give you a chance!" 'flame king' spoke.

"what chance?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' asked.

"I will slightly raise my finger. As long as you can withstand it for a instant you can go!" 'flame king' spoke.

"I accept!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was not afraid of him but he also had no chance but to accept it.

"heehe" 'flame king' laughed.

'flame king' just slightly waved a finger of his. Nothing happened.

"hmm?" a mighty and torrential pressure started to descend in front of him. It was like a giant mountain was crushing on you. Few seconds has passed and the pressure kept increasing slightly but it was still very powerful.

Those at the peak of body refining stage would have been crushed to death by now. Only sky meddling stage expert can withstand such mighty pressure.

A instant has passed. But the pressure did not vanish. ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' who was a cripple was barely able to stand. His face was deathly pale but he gritted his teeth tightly and withstood the pressure.

'flame king' was thoroughly surprised. Such will power he has not seen before. He has the qualities to challenge the heaven's.

After several instants passed he finally got kneeled and blood started to leak from his eyes, mouth and nose. But he still endured it.

"screak" his phoenix flame again got out of his body without his will and started to shield him from the torrential pressure.

Just then the pressure vanished. And ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was fully exhausted. He barely had his consciousness open.

"well done kid" there was a smile on 'flame king's face'. 'flame king' waved his palm. A flame greenish white flame came out and ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was bathed in this flame. His wounds were miraculously started to heal.

'flame king' came near him.

"what do you want?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was alerted but he barely had any stamina. He could collapse at any moment.

"nothing! I am about to pass my inheritance to you!" 'flame king' smilingly spoke.

"you! Are still on this!!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' laughed wryly but could do nothing.

"hehhe! You are best suitable for my inheritance and I also verified. So how can I lose this chance?"" I know you are a hard headed stubborn person but something's cannot be done solely relying on it! I am passing you my peerless inheritance. Make good use of it and become strong." 'flame king' smilingly.

' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' could not do anything and powerlessly watched him.

'flame king' formed a mystical hand seal with his both palms and placed his right palm on ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' forehead.

*creeak* the crimson blue flame trembled and started to flow towards ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. It went inside his body inside the mystical space.

"hmm?" 'flame king' was slightly surprised by this phenomena.

"a marrow strengthening flower?" he was slightly surprised. He knew about this since he himself had used this. when he used that he was quite strong at that time. He did not expect that a such a weakling could also use it. Truly amazing.

"boy you are amazing!" 'flame king' smiled. And the crimson blue flame started to turn into the size of a cubical structure and it got sealed. And the manual floating also turned into a streak of light and vanished into his forehead.

"kid! I have sealed the flame and manual inside your body!!" "I have created the manual myself so practice properly. I can see bright future in you!!"" when become strong unlock them and practice them!!"" and if you are un-satisfied by this then become strong enough and come challenge me!! I will be at that place!!"

' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' finally fainted. Unknown to him a petal of the marrow strengthening core started to get dissolved in his body and his phoenix flame started to get back in all part's of his body.

"hmm?" 'flame king' sensed this and just smiled. "boy become strong enough and challenge the heaven's." 'flame king' spoke his last word's and vanished. There was no trace of him left.

To be continued