1) Wilderness-Bone Tribe, Deal

Since there was a important task they immediately set out. Empire was vast and is not travelable easily by the any powerhouse of the empire. So each powerhouse had their own transmission array. It's a kind of space matrix used to travel distances easily. It's like a transportation circle.

In the great power continent where power rules everything anything is possible. So every powerhouse makes use of a transportation array to travel large distances and also it helps in times of danger. But it is not easily made and a powerful person proficient in matrixes can make it. So sect once payed a hefty price to built.

Everyone stepped on it including ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' and the dangerous beauty. The beauty took out a token and spoke some words. Then a immediately a bright light enveloped everyone. And they vanished from the sect.

In a vast wild area there is nothing but trees and wild beasts. The place was very beautiful but it also gave a dangerous smell. In this place if you are not strong or careful enough then god will be waiting for you in hell or heaven's.

And in this wild area a strange circle suddenly formed on the ground. A bright light in the form of cylinder flashed like it could pierce the heaven's. and few shadows could be seen coming out of it. And in the front of the shadows there was a beautiful shadow. It was the dangerous beauty. Just as they came out there were few people coming towards them.

In the front was a middle aged man. He has a strong hair and greyish black hair. He has strong built and professional aura. There was a smile on his place. He came with several other middle aged and elderly but they were no were comparable to him.

"eh? You are miss ***" the middle aged person spoke but when he spoke the name of the dangerous beauty he spoke in a low tone so that no-one can hear.

"yes!! are you patriarch of 'bone' tribe?" she asked.


"how much time is there for beast's arrival?" she asked.

"around few more hour's" the patriarch spoke.

"lead the way" she spoke.


They were led by the patriarch of the bone tribe.

After few minutes they reached the bone tribe. The tribe was not very large. It was quite small. There were poorly built houses and the essence energy was quite bad. It is the worst place for the training of a cultivator.

The outer disciple's who came their faces were built with disdain. Compare to the sect this was like a gutter.

But one person who was something else. He was ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. Who know's what he was thinking.

They prepared for battle against the beasts.

Partiach 'Hong Gong' was standing on a mountain in the bone tribe and calmly observing the situation. He was speculating something.

At that time a shadow came to his side from behind.

"hello! Patriarch 'Hong'!" the person who came from behind spoke.

"you are ?!" 'partiach hong' asked.

"me I am ***"" can we talk in private!!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' told his name and asked.

"ok! let's talk here!!" patriarch spoke.

"no in private!" there was a slightest coldness in' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' eyes.

"ok!!" patriarch waved his hand and they were transported to some other place.

They were inside a cave.

"what do you want to talk?" the patriarch spoke.

"you should know why I came not?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' camly spoke.

"ha?" patriarch was confused.

"patriarch 'Hong' you are not weak. So why do you need our help?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke.

"oh!! You saw through my strength ha?" 'patriach' asked.

"nope!"" I can vaguely feel it."" Although I do-not know your exact strength but… you are strong than everyone present here and your also strength has reached certain strong realm right?" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' calmly spoke.

"hohho! Not bad of the current popular person of the outer court. Indeed I have a certain strong realm. And I am indeed strong than everyone here." Patriarch spoke.

"ho! You flatter me greatly. You are probably very strong and even stronger than the empire right??" he asked.

"yes! Indeed I am very strong than anyone in the empire. So?" a light brilliance flashed in the eyes of 'patriach'.

"what I mean is that you a member of the ancient 'bone tribe' and a very strongperson hiding here must probably has some reason right?" he asked.

The expression of patriarch changed and it became very serious. He spoke "so what is that you want!?"

"nothing much!! Let's make a deal!!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' calmly spoke.

"what deal?" patriarch spoke.

"nothing much! I will help you keep your identity a secret and also help your problem!! But.."" I need that heaven the heave defying secret of your clan the mysterious 'bone marrow'" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' spoke with a very serious tone.

"hehhe just you??"" brat don't you know that I can kill you any time I want?" patriarch spoke with a bone chilling killing intent.

"hehhe! Although I am way leagues of you but I can assure you that if you want to do anything to me then you don't have the ability!!" ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' gave a shallow laugh.

"just where does this brat's confidence come from?" patriarch thought. His expression came to normal and his face had a smile. "ok!! I agree! But we have to form a contract with heavenly tribulation!! Let's speak about this after the hunt is over!" 'patriach spoke'.





A large demonic beast's roar's can be heard. From a few distance away from the tribe a large no of 'demonic beasts' were coming. They were rushing towards the tribe madly.

To be continued