Blessing for them

"You are going overboard just for ice cream?" Samar questioned her.

"Yup." Smrity answered him without looking towards him.

"....." She knew, how to make him speechless. He would not let her driving.

After they enter in city Smrity slow down speed in normal.

"Thank god, I want to ask you something?" Samar sighed and said to Smrity.

"Go ahead."

"Tell me the thing you don't know how to do?"

"I am not good at talking." Smrity replied him without thinking second time.

"....." Samar left speechless. Really, she didn't know how talk, she is the only person who always makes him speechless now, she is complaining that she is not good at talking.

"And also I don't know how to interact with people? Is not it pity?"

Spare me, spare all those innocent people. If they started to interact with you, they will die. That is not pity that is god gift. That is blessing for them.

After 30 min, they reached ice cream parlor.

"Samar, will you please help me to get ice cream. I feel so warm here I don't want to go out." Smrity yawned and request to Samar.

"Which flavor you want?"

"I want strawberries flavored."

" Okay, I will get it for you."


After Samar leaved Smrity took out her phone. And make a call.

"Did you find detail that I asked for?" Smrity voice was cold like glacier.

"Yes, Miss he is the person you are looking for. And also he wasn't close to his family but he had strong support of Pradhan Corporation. I am afraid that might affect our Business tires."

"Don't worry I know how to handle it. You know Mr Gurung when person fall in love, he will do whatever his love makes happy."

Person in other side phone was completely dumbfounded by her sentence.

"I trust you Miss."

After call ended Smrity smiled evilly.

"Anshuman wait and watch. I will make sure you will regret what you have done back then." Smriti murmured herself.

Samar came to car, Smrity instantly changed her expressions lazy.

"Here you go.." Samar gave her ice cream.

"Samar, my hand is hurting will you please feed me?" Smrity put painful expression.

"I hadn't drive from long time my arms were hurting, I feel so hurt.. please." Smrity request him like child.

Samar started to feed her. He couldn't help to think himself. What wrong with her today? Why she is acting strangely? Is she also fallen for him?

Inside, Smrity could see what Samar is thinking? She felt guilty, she knew he likes him but she had never thought about to love him. All she is doing this is he won't come in her plan and also she didn't want to hurt him and his innocent family.

He care her lot, but at the same time Samir was his best friend. If something happened to him, he will try to find and protect him. Which can ruin her all plan. There is only way, she could control him, if she act that she had fallen for him.

Smrity took a bite and picked up spoon and feed to Samar.

" Ahhh" Seeing Smrity is feeding him ,Samar didn't open his mouth.

"Have not you said that your arms are hurting?"

"I am just kidding, who would have thought someone would believe me and feed me?" Smrity said to him, and ate ice cream herself which she was going to feed Samar.

"You..." Samar didn't find word.

"Hahahah..." Smrity started laughed. Samar barely saw her smile but seeing her laughing brightly he love this moment. He wished that he could saw her like this always.

"Thank you" Samar said to Smrity.

"For what?"

"Spending time with me"

" In that way I also have to thank you, thanks for giving me such beautiful moments of my life."

"You are welcome."Samar smiled and replied her.

Smrity smiled him back. Samar's heart started beating fast, her smile makes him always crazy.