Nowhere of Smrity

Smrity took a deep breathe and again started talking.

"I know you are worried about me, but you don't have to now. My disease that could lost my lots of blood had cured. Now I can fight easily, it is all because of that I had less WBC than usually normal human needs."

Leeza knew that her disease has been cured and she is much more healthier than before.But still there is danger how couldn't she get afraid? But when Leeza heard she explained the situations and circumstances, she understand what she want to refer. Most shocking for her is Smrity talked a lot to her after 3 years. She clearly remember after she got raped Smrity used to talked with her a lot, she gave her strength and motivation to live life.

That time she found different version of Smrity, who is loving, caring, sweet and adorable.And today she found her same old version. That innocent girl was lost somewhere far behind, somehow she felt innocence and pain in her words. Leeza didn't spoke she quietly listen what Smrity said.

"Hiding is only waste of time now, also my long journey with pain I have to finished it. And now time has come that I could finished it. Don't worry with all of you, I know no one could lay hand on me. They only knew I am daughter of Mr Thakuri and President of Memorial Group. They have no idea that I am a Chairperson of OM International Corporation. They could hurt President of Memorial but not Chairperson of OM corporation. I am far more powerful that their touch, only I could hurt myself physically about my death if it would be natural or I will kill myself only after then my death is possible."

When Leeza heard her last sentence her mouth twitched, she felt somehow angry when talk about death and good at the same time when she said no one can be able to touch her.

"Okay I will prepared to take leave and also I have important matter to discuss." Leeza said to Smrity politely.


At Red Retro Restaurant,

Samar and his family had come for family dinner, Samar didn't want to join them but his father forced him to come, he knew what was their propose, name dinner was only for a show, their main agenda was him to met a girl.

When he entered in restaurant, Khanna family and his family is already waiting for him. This time his father wants him to see, reowned beauty of Khanna family, Pallavi Khanna. She is very famous beauty. Pallavi had wore aqua blue color Indian dress, she had beautiful face and held beautiful natural smile. She looks beautiful, graceful and simple exact opposite of Smrity.Where, Smrity's looks is heavenly, her cold aura, domineering and mysterious smile makes her look like goddess of power. Pallavi looks very beautiful but not comparable to Smrity.

When Pallavi saw Samar she gave in warm generous smile, Samar smiled back at her. He saw she is nowhere of Smrity, since his childhood he never like girl who talks lot and want impress other. Samar saw Pallavi's nature is like who always seeks for curry favor from other.

He still remember first day of college where Smrity's identity about topper revealed and there is no proudness seen on her, her low key life are the things he like about her. When Samar was in his thoughts Mrs Khanna speak up,

"Well, Samar how is your business going? I heard you have 2 degrees Journalism and Business Management? I am very much impressed by you, your achivement in such you is very remarkable. My daughter also wants to go on business field but you know business is for men, it also very troublesome for women, so I suggest her to do fashion designing instead of business management. Look, she very obedient she respect our decision and complete her studies in fashion design."

Samar listen to her without giving his opinion, but he felt they had very conservative thought. He knew how powerful position is Smrity in business world, here she is telling him girl is weak and shouldn't be able struggle in business. And he found more difference in Pallavi and Smrity, and is Pallavi is that weak that she can't even take her own decision about her future, she have to be independent after all she educated new generation's women, she can't even make decisions by herself how pitiful. He felt one more weakness on her while they were telling him how obedient and good she is. When Mrs Khanna is showing him good side of Pallavi, he only found weak and pitiful. Samar always like girls who fought for their will and power.

Pallavi noticed Samar's dimmed eyes when he heard what her mother said, when Samar entered in Restaurant she saw him very handsome and charming, like a prince of fairytale. Her heart beats faster and faster when he came and sit beside chair of her. She smiled at him and he also smiled back at her, when she saw his charming and seductive beautiful smile, she felt like sudden heart explode. She talks alot but he didn't even say a single words, he kept listening and eating food with full mannerisms. She fell for him at first sight.

Pallavi felt disappointed when Samar stay quiet all the time, Samar's mother notice uneasiness of Khanna family.

"Sorry, I apologizes on behalf of Samar. You know he always stayed quiet and talked less." Samar's mother uplift some mood of them.

"Oh, that's really fine. You don't have to apologize. Of course, we understand every one has their own nature. Pallavi talks a lot, and Samar is opposite to her." Mrs Khanna said while drinking juice. At the same time Mr Khanna speak up by looking at Samar's father,,

"Mr Pradhan, have you heard about the new government project."

Mr Pradhan raised his eyes brows and said I unknowning manner,

"Government Project?" He looked bit confused while talking.

"Yes, Government Project, this project is the this year's one of the biggest project ever, I heard Ritual Group and Singh Corporation is going to collaborate to get tender. But in the evening, there is also news the biggest international corporation is also going to take part to bet on tender." Mr Khanna explained Mr Pradhan,

"Which Company is going to bet?" Mr Pradhan asked curiously.

"Mysterious OM International Corporation." Mr Khanna replied full of admiration.

When Mr Pradhan heard name OM Corporation his felt like strucking by lighting, she remembered the girls face and her way of doing business. His spine got cold, he broke out cold sweat. He felt is she back, if she could came back it would be great. He looked at Samar, in his eyes there is no surprise, it means he already knew it. Mr Pradhan somehow felt guilty towards Samar to forcing for marriage, hope after she came back they will reunite again.