Get Caught

Soham's car stopped in front of Entrance of Hotel, one of the member came and opened the door. Reception saw handsome man, she forgot all her fear. She was stunned by his look, how come an underworld leader be so handsome. And also he looks much more gentleman than fierce leader.

Soham gave cold smile to leader, his eyes was revealing how desperate was he to settle the matter with Abhirav.

He don't know why but he felt this matter is not simple as simple seems in the surface, it looks much more than business betrayal. Some days ago he knew his boss deal with this Abhirav Basnet, which is also confidential about it as a team leader he also don't know what is there but he could that was extremely important document.

"Where is he? Oh yes, don't forget his overconfident girlfriend, I really want to see her minus IQ." Soham asked to Team Leader,

" Yes, sir he is in the room 805. Neha Chaudary is also present there." He replied politely, he could say now that girl is going to have hellish time

"Well, then let's go and have some fun." Soham said with smirk, and his voice was like ice dragger which gives chill in everyones spines. But at the same time they got excited also, Soham rarely present himself in some mission, but whenever he present they could feel mission's importance and danger.

At same time inside the room...

"Neha, we will get chance in future, but now we have to leave. If we get in their hands trust me, we both will never understand how we die." Abhirav said to Neha, who is stubbornly refusing to leave. In her eyes, there filled determination to get OM Corporation.

"No, Abhi we can't run now, tomorrow is the only opportunity to get back OM Corporation now you want leave?" She disdainfully said to Abhirav.

But at same there came knock sound from outside, both of them stopped talking their heart beat skipped a bit. After calming down themselves, Abhirav utter only one word


"Sir, your supper have arrived."

Abhirav peep from the door whole, he could see there is only waiter, carrying food and wine, there no one else. He took a deep breathe, calm down his racing heart and opened the door.

"Place it in table and leave." He said and return to talk with Neha, but

"Yes, leave because we are going have a good time with Mr Abhirav Basnet, right Mr Basnet?"

Sound came from door, Abhirav's heart stopped beating when he heard this voice. He gulped, and turn to him slowly.

"Mr Soham, it's late night. Hope we could talk tomorrow." Abhirav said polite hiding his fear beside his smug smile. Temperature of the rooms goes down suddenly, when Soham smiled back, his smile is gentle as breeze but it is as cold as ice which gives chill in his spines.

"I think it is the perfect time, by the way where is Ms Chaudary? I really belonging to see her, I heard a lot about her intelligence."

By saying Soham directly went inside, and sat on sofa. Abhirav also sit in sofa quietly, team leader Mr Ritesh and other stood beside Soham.

"Mr Basnet, are you feeling hot inside, Mr Ritesh increase AC." Soham said politely and started to make tea.

Abhirav wipe his sweat immediately, he don't know what to do and what to say? He don't even get time to call for help and as per Neha, she don't have any contacts.

"No... no, it is fine." Abhirav laughed and said, Soham presence is too domineering he is feeling difficult to breathe.

"Well, where is sister-in-law? Oh, so sorry she is your mistress, not wife from this it proves you are the person who is immoral.