Past conflict about Basnet Family

At sharp 10 am everyone gathered inside the meeting room discussing anxiously, why sudden shareholder meeting is called although 75% share were controlled by Anubhav Basnet, they always take their opinion in major decision.

Two years ago in the same way, they were called while Anubhav decided to choose Smrity as Cheif Executive Officer. Where Smrity showed her extraordinarily talent to them and made them speechless, where they realize to give utmost respect to Anubhav.

In this period also they can feel major thing us going to happen. They didn't feel any rest assurance, not only that when they saw Abhirav and other member of Basnet family were also entered their anxiety increased even more.

Abhirav face was still gloomy and dark, what happened last night was truly out of his assumptions. Smrity did help him, but still he don't have any good feeling for her. He always saw her as lowly birth, he hate his sister who ran away with a lowly business man. Because of her, their mother leave the world whom he loved the most.

But what truth was beyond of his imagination, the one whom they blamed for their mother death is totally fake acquisition. But they never tried to find out truth they kept blaming her what she hadn't done. Also forgetting the fact she is also her mother, as their father Anubhav he was always busy with his work.

He never really cared about house chores and condition, he also kept distance from his elder daughter who understand him the most. He was upset that she get married to that person who doesn't even deserve her. But when he saw at Smrity and Shisham he felt blessed, both of them were really different from other grandchildren of his, there is no greediness in their eyes. They are smart, crafty, quick witted and hardworking, what they want are the things which they want to achieve by their self.

But as per other they only have eyes on his property, so he would never let them be happy in their wrong way of success. Atfirst he refused to look to his grandson and granddaughter due to the anger to her daughter, when he accidentally met Smrity in one award function, he was astonished by her intelligence. She had all qualities what a leader needed, after then he gave order to bring both grandchildren back to meet him. Where is found sweet, loving and innocence, there is no greed and ambitious attitude in their action and eyes which makes Anubhav very pleased.

But watching this his both son and other daughters started to went against Smrity and Shisham. They knew none of their childs were as intelligent and as good as them, now they are pretty sure all the property and an position of heir is going away from their hands.

Speaking which, they started to betray company slowly, as the result Anubhav felt he can't be able to handle all these mess alone. So he bring Smrity without and hesitation in office, the result then company growth increase 20 times than previous. What makes him proud on his own decision, he always felt safety around her, he knew it that she will crushed herself down but never let happen anything to company. Her decisions were more ruthless and profitable to company, and who betrayed the company back then she made their life as hell.

The main and most important qualities as business woman of her is she never let mixed up of her personal feeling in professional life. Which made her distance fron families even more wide.