
Grand Silver Mansion

East wing...

Master Bedroom..

"How can be this? I want to know everything,what happened 9 years I want know everything."

It was aloud voice of Samir, after he found Smrity was Samjana and she became someone else's girlfriend, his heart got totally broke. He could feel the hatred for him, he don't know all the story but something knew is that whatever happened was must be huge.

The part he knew is not sufficient, there is lots of things hidden from him. He was the one who is naive, but now he have to find truth. Not for himself, but for Smrity to made her back Samjana he have to find it.

After he left Pokhara he was totally heart broken, he felt that his only hope was gone. His life gone dark, everything in front him got shattered.

She was his only hope, he had hoped all these years she will comeback and accept him. Accept his fault, so he could tell her how hard life he had lead. After his mother gone how his life became a joke, how much alone he became. All the along in his darkness she was the light of hope. She was the reason that he lived all the year, she was the reason he felt motivated to breathe and walk further.

He still remember when he received the news that his father is going to remarry, he cried for the whole night holding his mother photo frame. Then he suddenly remembered about her sweet giggling voice;

"Sohail, never forget one thing even all the world leave you alone I will be there in some corner of the world just for you."

After theb finally he felt that he also belong to this world. He always trust that one day she will come back to him. And everything will be all right.

Like his dream, she came. Came with hope, light and happiness. But it was only illusion which was created by himself, that she loves him.

But when truth came all his dreams crushed into thousands of pieces became someone else. She even denied to know him, she blamed to him what happened back then. In her eyes he was responsible of the death of Aunt Neha and Uncle Rohan. He could see that her eyes were filled with complete hatred, she came in his life yet she didn't give him chance not even chance to apologise her.

She gave herself to some else in front of his eyes, not only that he was also the part of the game who help them. He destroy himself, he gave everything he have to someone else.

How he could be able to live from now, he wants to take his life. After then with a determination he went to the lake, the same lake at first time they went. He looks around there is presence of her. He could feel her,he could smell her scent, he could hear her soft voice.

'I wish you were mine, what would I do without you. In past atleast there was a hope you will come back. But now there is no hope, without you what for whom I preserve this life. Farewell my love.'