190 Jealous Samir

"You are awake?"

Samar entered in room with a file and laptop in his hand. He looked at Samir who is fighting with his hangover.

There is coffee and medicine take it, Samir's eyes brighten up by little when he saw medicine.

"Dammit, I will never drink again." Samir said reached towards water and medicine.

"By the way, why are you here?" Samar asked while leaning his head on soft pillow. It's so good, after venting all his frustration on alcohol and coldness towards Samar felt little free.

"Business." Samar replied him in monologue, he really wanted to finished his work as soon as possible so he could give spend time with Smrity.

"Work manic." Samir mocked him, but soon he felt that he was useless. Although he had his own company but everything was managed by his manager so he don't need worry.

"I have to make my wife Queen what is wrong with hard work?"

Samar heard his sarcasm, he replied him proudly. He will have family in future, he have to support them of course his wife is much more richer than but that doesn't mean he will be stay back. He want to give his wife everything that she deserves.

"Show off." Samir muttered, when Samar said those words his heart shattered into thousands of pieces. But there is nothing he could do about it.

Samar finally finished looking those piles of file, his throat was in pain. He ate ice-cream last night with Smrity.

"What happen to you?" Samir asked when he saw Samar voice is hoarse,

"It seems I caught by cold." Samar held warm cup of water handed by Samir, Samar nose were red and his eyes looks bloodshot.

"Caught by cold what a girly excuse."

"Hehe..." Samar didn't take it seriously, but he don't know since when having cold became girly excuse.

"By the way, ever since I know you I never saw you became sick just because of weather." Samir said to Samar.

"Not because of weather it is because I ate ice-cream last night."

"I had never seen you eating ice-cream since when you became fond of sweet?"

"It's because of Smrity, she wanted to eat ice-cream so I accompanied her."

Samir always knew Smrity loves eating strawberry ice-cream during winter. Only few people knew how crazy she is when it comes to ice-cream. It seems Samar was one of them, oh could he forget Samar is her current boyfriend, is it for real did she really forget about him. Samir heart started to turn cold, he was anxious and hurt.

"I am going back, I will meet you later." After saying Samir open the door and walked out, he wanted to balance their relationship he don't want loose his friend nor his love but it seems he can't. Furthermore it is so painful, he can't even breathe, it would be lie if he said he was not jealous.

He was trying to avoid pace which hurt him, from where he would be reminded she no longer belong to him. To make her his own he have deceived his own best friend who always care about him.

International Airport London...

"Do we really have pick that jerk up?"

Aragya who was playing with her phone suddenly said to Smrity who was busy with work.


Smrity raised her eye brows indicating she didn't understand what she is saying.

"Forget it you business women, you only look after your profit." Aragya gritted her teeth and said, only she know how hardly she control her emotions. She was afraid of showing him, showing weakness of hers. It is very hard to be cold in front him.