Back to Mumbai III

"Dad, don't worry once sis came, she will make everything okay."

Shisham said to Mr Thakuri, the only person who can console and made his mother understand how grandfather feel is Smrity.

"Right, by the way when is my princess coming back?" Mr Thakuri asked to Shisham, it been more than 6 months since he met his daughter.

"She must be in flight right now she will be here by tomorrow don't worry."

Shisham said to his father and took him to his room. After settling down both of his father and mother. He went to the Base of Dark Force.

Dark Force Base....

"What you haven't able to open his mouth till now? No wonder there is Basnet family blood run in his vein."

He laughed evilly when he thought how will Smrity make him to spill who is behind the everything and this process is going to be fun and thrilling. Sure enough there will lots of fun awaiting, by thinking of it he really thrilled.

Shisham walk towards another chamber from where he could see Rohit. He could see Rohit looks no more noble and rich kid, his looks lifeless wretch and dirty. Due to the constant suffering Rohit his rosy lips was dry and cracked, there is no place where is no wound. There is no food for him they only provide 4 glass water a day. Without food Rohit became thin with in few days, only today they provide him two piece of bread with plain water.

Smrity and Shisham knew that Rohit was not doing with his own will but some one is forcing him to betray them.

Even though he was not doing intentionally he have to recieve his unintentional sin's punishment. Smrity was never merciful towards those who tried to harm her no matter who it is. There is always choices left for the person before betraying and what Smrity hate the most is betrayal.

Shisham slowly pushed the door of chamber, strong pungent smell of blood assault his nose. He look at the dull and lifeless person sitting on the chair. His lips curved up with evil arc, he slowly approach his feet towards Rohit. Then magnetic yet cold voice ran out which give Rohit little shudder;

"Dear cousin you must be enjoying the life right?"

Shisham said while raising his eyebrows, his glare is as cold as ice. Shisham don't understand how did his intelligent cousin became so dumb that he actually send second class mercenary to harm Smrity.

Rohit slowly raised his head looked at Shisham, he could see that Shisham is not mocking him but there is rage in his eyes. But Rohit remain expressionless he can't let single expression out from his face otherwise consequences his something that he couldn't afford to pay.

"What Young Master is still unwilling to say anything? Even though you try to hide who instruct you to kidnapped my sister eventually he will got caught. And the consequences to betray Smrity is not something that anyone bear you worked with her must be aware of this right?"

"You know Rohit I have never seen a person as stupid as you. You send second grade mercenaries to harm my sister who was not even got to touch her a single finger."

Shisham said to Rohit, while he observe his each emotions and expression through out whole process,

"Let me tell you what exactly happen that night you all have thought she was kidnapped by you but you all are wrong, she already had seen through your plan what she had done is just to crumble your dignity, no matter how you try your power is only to get banished second class mercenary to harm her and she is the Queen who can crush you and your plan with light tap."