In the vast expanse of the Universe, nestled among known and unknown realms of outer space, lies Febu-a tiny dot where a sophisticated human race thrives, breathing and evolving.
The essence of Febuans revolves around a singular purpose: to serve others, to embrace love, and to unite in shared desires. Personal gains hold no value; they merely accept whatever comes their way without seeking rewards.
During their formative years, Febuans embark on an exploratory journey within the lawless virtual realm of Fridigo. Here, they're granted the freedom to explore every conceivable wrongdoing until they voluntarily reach a saturation point. The awakening occurs through a profound realization that magnifying wrongs to their maximum potential serves as a conduit to understanding the right path. Those awakened to this truth remain steadfast in loyalty to Febuan unity, impervious to bribes or corruption.
Loyalty bears no price in Febu. Parents recognize that their children will one day comprehend this same truth, yet they refrain from imposing their beliefs or life directives on them.
The Fridigo experience for children is rigorous but innocuous to society. Its primary goal is to provoke a personal realization of their own evils, to foster a distaste for these wrongs, and an innate desire to break free. Once this awakening occurs, guidance is provided.
Febuans possess a profound understanding of their actions' origins, comprehending the internal mechanics that drive them. This awareness grants them freedom in their actions; every word spoken, every action taken is underpinned by intelligence and reason, rooted in a search for underlying causes.
**Telesting**: The perception received from a distance without relying on recognized sensory organs.
**Frigido State**: A condition wherein an individual is locked in a virtual reality experience to an extent that it's perceived as actual reality.