Elemental Dao Sect Exam

In the Ye clan's main hall, there were 6 men in the hall talking. "Patriarch Gong, the Elemental Dao sect is going to be hosting their recruitment here today, Ye Feng is 12 years old is at peak Body refinement which is a very rare talent and his fiance Song Ling who has the Ice Yin Devlin constitution and is at Body refinement stage 8 at 8 years old a heaven warping talent." the 3rd elder spoke what was on his mind the elders started nodding. Patriarch Gong started talking "Yes, we were able to get Ms. Mei Ding to take both Song Ling and Ye Feng as her disciples so we won't have to worry about much, 1st elder how are the preparations going?" The First elder responded, "Patriarch Gong, everything has been set in order we have cleaned up all the mess that could affect the selection processes." Patriarch responded "Good work. Now, all we have to do is watch as they become the 2 that can grow our Ye clan." Everyone responded "All hail Ye clan."

Lei Long finally reached the Ye city and laughed as he saw a poster it read "Elemental Dao sect recruitment at Ye city square during the afternoon." Lei Long looked up and saw it was about a quarter past 10 so he walked towards the Ye city square and went up to the Elemental Dao Sect's recruitment tent. Seeing Lei Long's poor appearance the disciple frowned and said: "Get out of here kid you can only sign up if you are below 14 and at Body refinement stage 8." Lie Long didn't say anything but released his aura, even though he was at Soul refinement stage only people who have gone through Soul refinement stage can detect it so what the disciple felt was the aura of a peak body refinement realm. The disciple was shocked that this kid with a scuffed appearance was at Body refinement stage 10. The disciple finally spoke "Name, age, place of birth,..." After answering all the questions Lie Long sat down at the waiting area.

Slowly people started filing and by noon the entire area was filled. A steward walked in and announced, "The Ye clan has arrived." Slowly people of the Ye clan walked along the carpet on the floor. The Ye clan's younger generation stayed in the waiting area while the older generation went to the observation room above. Lei Long saw Ye Feng and Song Ling holding hands surrounded by the other kids. Soon the enterances closed and a beautiful lady walked towards the stage "Hello my name is Mei Ding I will be one of the judges for the examinination today, all examinees will make a line in front to this stone pillar, this stone pillar does 2 tests, first it tests elemental affinity and second it tests your potential and what realm you will most definetly reach in the future if you don't die early. For thoose who pass the test, the airship will come and pick you up tommorow morning so be sure to get here early or else there won't be a second chance." Lei Long knew about elemental affinities from his time in the libary. Elemental affinity is the element given at birth. Each element had certain Spiritual Qi and the cultivator could only cultivate and use skills with that element. There were 4 normal elements fire, earth, wind, and water on top of the 4 basic elements there are special ones like ice, lightning, lava, etc. There are also a few who have the space and time element which is one of the rarest. After Mei Ding explained about the examination she walked to the judging table that had 2 old men already seated there. Everyone started to form a line Lei Long got in went to the middle of the line. The first to go was Ye Feng. Ye Feng touched his hand to the pillar and it started glowing red with the words at the top "Core refinement". Next Song Ling walked on stage and she pressed her hand against the pillar and it started glowing a light blue and the words above "Nascent Soul formation" Mei Ding was happy as she said "Ye Feng and Song Ling are both my disciples, Song Ling has the Ice Yin devil constituation so her talent in cultivation is way beyond the normal genius. hahahaha I can't beileve a small town can have such potential."