Dao Master Shen

The disciple's wind element got trapped within the frosted atmosphere around Lei Long. Due to the ice element coming from Primordial Qi it was much stronger than even people with Song Ling's constitution. The most of the disciples stopped running towards Lei Long and even those with the fire element slowed down in the ice. For some reason, none of the elders chased after him and Lei Long easily escaped. The Ye family all had killing intent, the first elder started "We must kill him or else he will get in the way." After he said that the rest of the people in the room repeated the same thing. Song Ling was in the corner with he fist clenched. She couldn't believe that this trash had the same element as her and it was even stronger than hers. The Patriarch finally responded, "Post wanted posters with 100 gold coins as the reward and 10 gold coins for a correct location of him." After saying this The servant went to the guards' office to put up the wanted posters.

Lei Long had already run into the forest outside the city. He ran as far as he could and blacked out. Since he wasn't in Qi condensation realm the amount of Qi in his body was very little and when he used his soul power to convert the Primordial Qi to Ice it exhausted him. He blacked out in the middle of a forest. A strange old man was walking with a basket on his back when he found a young man knocked out in the forest.

"Uh, what happened" Lei Long after a day of being knocked out woke up. "Wait, where am I" Lei Long found himself in a hut that was even worse than the home he used to live in. Lei Long got up and went outside to find an old man chopping woods. Without Lei Long even saying anything the old am spoke: "Young man I will answer your questions but you have to help me chop this wood first." Lei Long was baffled when he said this but he shrugged his shoulder, it's chopping wood he's already reached peak body refinement how hard could it be. Lei Long raised the ax and tries to chop through the wood "What the... old man what type of wood is this, I can't cut through it?" The old man chuckled but didn't say anything. Lei Long started observing the old geezer cutting the wood. Lei Long started noticing that right when the old man chops down he tilts the ax an exact angle to chop through the wood. Lei Long realized that this person might not be simple because what he was doing needed exemplary motor skills. Also from the swing, he could tell that the ax was extremely heavy, way more than what Lei Long could actually lift. He never realizes the ax was so heavy when he first saw the old man hold it, Lei Long knew this man was a true expert not like anyone in the Ye clan or the Elemental Dao sect. After standing in contemplation for a while Lei Long picked up the ax again and tried the technique the old man showed. He slashed down, failed... slashed down again, failed... Over and over again he tried and tried. It was night and the old man was to the side watching the drained and tired Lei Long trying to chop a piece of wood. Finally, after hundreds of attempts, he chopped it. "HAHAHA, I did it see, that old man! Old man? Wait why is it so dark?" The old man tapped Lei Long shoulders and said "Young one you have passed my test, my name is Dao Master Shen come in I already made dinner. Lei long had complete respect for Master Shen. Being able to chop hundred of that wood with that ax means he is a real expert. Lei Long sat in front of Master Shen and asked: "Dao Master Shen, why are you here, this is a forest with nothing special as far as I know?" Master Shen started snickering again "little one, do you know about the Dao." Lei Long nodded his head, he knew what the Dao was supposed to be from the inheritance of creation but he couldn't comprehend it even with his high ability. Master Shen continued "That's good, not many people know about Dao, as I told you I'm a Dao master, a person who uses the road of life to walk the path of cultivation. Qi isn't the only way to breakthrough in later realms, there are many ways some use their riches to get access to high quantities of Qi, some try to use different kinds of Qi to breakthrough, some like me use the Dao to further our cultivation, etc. In the future you will have to choose your own path, I can tell you are not an ordinary person. Ever since I saw you my Law of Dao has been acting up." Lei Long didn't know what to say. Master Shen also didn't say anything. Finally, Master Shen finally asked, "Are you going to make me ask?" Lei Long looked at him with a confused face. Master Shen stood up and asked in a shameless dignified way "Do you want to be my disciple?" Lei Long quickly kowtowed to and said: "This one greets Master Shen." Master Shen started nodding furiously with joy "Yes, now what was your name again?"

Lei Long "..."