(Chapter Four)

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

The dim moonlight slid through the window as it opened. It searched the room quickly, finally landing on the figure of a sleeping man. The light was disrupted as a teenaged looking boy slipped through the window quietly, sneaking into the small one story house. He closed the window as gently as possible to minimize the sound, but couldn't help a soft squeak that escaped. The small noise seemed to resound through the silent house, filling the emptiness with a wave of color.

Nick flinched at the sound and glanced at the figure on the bed. It lay still, not having shifted in the slightest. Nick sighed softly in relief and walked over to the couch. He laid down on it and closed his eyes.

"Would you like a blanket as well?" A familiar voice asked him.

Nick sat up with a yelp as the loud words penetrated the thick silence. He calmed his startled heart and his face took on a look of irritation. "Did you really have to do that? You know I hate to be frightened!" He whined, expressing his displeasure.

The person's voice seemed to smile as it responded, "Of course I know that, my dear brother. All the more reason to scare you!"

Nick growled and muttered, "And you say that I'm the troublesome one."

"Now, now, " They chided, "Is that anyway to speak to the one housing you for the night? I could~ just throw you out, right now. That is, if you keep talking bad of your benefactor."

"We both know you would never do that, Devin," Nick laughed and waved away the empty threat with a shake of his hand. His brother knew as well as he did what caused Nick to come here. And having gone through it himself for a year, Devin would never turn his little brother away.

After a moment of quiet, Devin spoke up again. "What is it this time?" He asked.

Nick sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he replied, "Same as usual... Wendy threw away all of my video games and sketch books yesterday and one of them 'magically' ended up on my desk this morning. She found it, blamed dad. Dad confessed. Says she was too harsh on me. She says he's too soft. Game. Set. Fight!"

Devin laughed at the end, but was slightly regretful that Nick could be so casual about it. It definitely wasn't the first time that their parents fought. Or the first time Nick had been punished harshly for getting bad grades. The worst part was that the 'bad grade' was probably something like an A- or B. A grade most would be happy to get.

Seeing the sad face of his brother, Nick felt touched. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. It's only two more years anyways. After that, I'll be free to do whatever I want! Just like you."

He frowned. "Trust me. Being me isn't exactly a walk in the park. Paying for college without your parents' support is almost impossible. I'm lucky I had been saving for so long, and that dad was still still soft enough to lend me some money behind mom's back. Now he's been thoroughly corrupted and I doubt he would go against her. And mom's only gotten worse since I left," Devin sighed at Nick's nonchalant view on life.

Nick smirked. "Maybe, but remember. I'm smart, unlike you. And Wendy's promised Dad to pay for my tuition as long as I get at least a 3.0 g.p.a... And stop calling her mom, it's annoying."

Devin raised an eyebrow, "She is our mom. No matter how much you hate her, you can't change that fact."

Nick's expression darkened. His mouth turned downwards in a frown and his face turned serious. "No, she is NOT my mom. She may have given birth to me, but she ceased to be my mother the second she slapped me for the first time."

"Okay, got it. No need to be so over dramatic. Sheesh," Devin smiled half-heartedly. He accepted Nick's reason, but couldn't agree with it. He could still remember the early days. Back before their dad got promoted and their grandmother died. He remembered how soft and loving Wendy was, and how their family was peaceful and happy. He didn't blame Nick for his view on things. After all, the accident happened when he was only nine, so he probably could only barely remember the good, and not enough to outweigh the bad...

"Anyways," Devin started, purposely changing the subject, "How's school? Make any new friends?" He laughed at the end, knowing full well that Nick rarely opened up to people. He had a total of 4 friends that Devin knew of.

"Well, actually..."