(Chapter Seven)

OCTOBER 10, 2016

A few weeks passed like this and Nick felt he had made a lot of progress. He could now get Luke to hold a conversation that was longer than one or two sentences. He had also managed to get Luke to smile a few times, and even laugh! He was finally getting somewhere!

One day, after school had ended, Nick went to take their relationship a step further. Going from aquatence to friend.

"So, Luke," He started, "Are you busy later today. 'Cause, if you aren't, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to hang out. Er, with me and Jace that is."

Nick elbowed Jace who was attempting to hold in his laughter. He grunted at the elbow and coughed. "Sorry," He whispered, "It's just that you sound like you're asking him out on a date. You're even blushing and stuttering."

This earned him another elbow in his ribs, causing him to have a small coughing fit. Nick looked at him, surprised. "Sorry! I didn't mean to hit you so hard!" Jace laughed it off.

Luke smiled. It was nice watching Nick and Jace talk. They often immersed themselves in their own world, accidentally ignoring all that was happening around them. While this may irk some people, Luke found it rather refreshing. It was better than the awkward small talk that others tried when they spoke saw him.

Nick finally remembered why he had hurt Jace in the first place and turned to apologise.

"Don't worry about it. It's nice that you have such close friends," Luke replied with a rare smile.

"Yeah, it is. I've known Jace since kindergarten. We're practically brothers." Nick laughed.

Luke's face visibly darkened at the mention of brothers, prompting Nick to change the subject. "So, anyways. We were wondering if you wanted to hang out later."

"It would be a lot of fun with you there. A real change of scenery, considering I have to hang out with this guy all the time. Not to mention that he barely hangs out with anyone besides me and Alex," Jace added.

'Alex must be number two,' Luke thought. 'As to their request.. Well, it's not like I have anything better to do. And it's better than going to Selena's- er, my house' (He has difficulty thinking of it as his home, as he doesn't have any good feelings to associate with it). 'Also, Nick seems quite good at distracting me, maybe he can help me forget about, well, the monster that is my life.'

"...Sure, why not." Luke said.

A wave of happiness came over Nick, as well as relief. He was practically jumping with joy asked Luke what time was good for him.

"Hmmm. How about right now?" 'That saves me the trouble of going into the cave of depression'. (his house).

"Sure!!!" Nick agreed excitedly.

Jace frowned. "Actually, I can't go right now. I have some stuff to take care of at home. But I might be able to join you later?"

Nick turned to him in surprise. Panic flashed through his eyes. "Can't it wait till later?" He asked through gritted teeth. How was he supposed to deal with Luke all by himself?! He needed his wing man!

Jace smiled mischievously. "Nope. I have to take care of it right now. It's important. Super important. Like, life and death stuff. About my 'ankle'," He laughed. He turned to leave and was greeted by Nick's panicked expression. Jace winked at him and left.

Nick glared at the disapearing figure of his friend. He swore that he would get back at Jace. This would be the last time that Jace would abandon him!

Luke watched Nick seeth, forgotten once again. He coughed slightly to pull Nick's attention to him. Nick blushed again for the umpteenth time since he had started speaking to Luke.


"It's fine."

Nick laughed awkwardly. He cursed Jace inwardly for leaving him alone. He could never tell what Luke was thinking. With his poker face and all.

"Do you ever wear a straight face?" Luke wondered aloud. Nick was startled by the question that nearly mirrored his own thoughts. "Sorry, that was rude. What I mean is that your face is always so full of expression. I was wondering how you ever managed to hide any of your emotions." He found it quite amusing to watch, not that he was going to mention that.

Nick shrugged. "I guess you could say that nothing~ about me is straight, including my face."


Nick face palmed. The joke had slipped from his mouth subconsciously. He was so used to Jace, who would definitely understand the pun.

"Nevermind. Anyways, where do you want to go. Jace and I usually hang out at my place." Nick said. His blush deepened at the thought of Luke coming to his house.

"I'm fine with whatever," Luke told him.

'There's that poker face again.' Nick sighed. After a bit of discussion, mostly held on Nick's side, they decided to just head to his place.