
Kevin was not sleeping and eating properly so he had been hospitalized for he was too sick to move but even in that condition he could only think about Rachel, he didn't want to break her trust again so one night he just escaped the hospital to save her but was caught by David just outside the hospital, who did not allow him to go out, no matter how much he pleaded. David said "I will go with you but you have to wait for at least two more days and then I assure you that I will take you to her myself. I have made a solid plan and she will be relieved of all the pain."

He listened to David and went back in and in two days, he was completely fine and as promised by that night he took Kevin to Aaron's villa as promised to save Rachel.

Both of them very diligently fought with the guards without any noise, they had already called the cops and asked them to come in without any noise and so they did, the cops came in silently as Kevin alone entered the room, breaking the door.