Ranked 5s

Activating Flames of Righteousness, Eric ignited a series of flames along the blade of his Angelic Punisher's sword. Taking aim at the Archer attacking him, Eric began to counter attack, the flames flowing from the sword towards the Archer.

Surprised by the sudden ranged counterattack from the swordwielding angel, the Archer faltered, his attacks stuttering as he interrupted his shots to dodge the punishing flames. Activating Archer's Focus, the Archer's attack speed skyrocketed, multiple arrows soaring into the air towards Eric's position.

"So he wants to trade eh?" Eric muttered, commanding his angel to dodge the arrows, swinging his sword to send another jet of flames towards the archer as he did so.

"What was that Eric?" a voice crackled over the call, buzzing irritatingly into his headset.

Eric winced, "Turn down your mic settings Nick. I'm just trading with this Archer. Good time to gank if you're able."

"I'll head mid in a second. See if you can bait him towards the tower."

"Will do," Eric replied, focusing on the fight at hand. The Archer continued to play the aggressor, using Piercing Shot and his basic attacks to pressure Eric backwards. Deftly controlling his character, Eric had his Angel slowly retreat, her wings beating gently as she drew the Archer slowly across the plain towards his tower.

Activating Reckoning, Eric summoned a red orb, throwing the magical attack towards the Archer as he raised his bow for another shot. Unable to dodge, the Archer was struck head on by the sphere, his body glowing red as a slowing effect was applied. Looking at his buff bar, Eric was alarmed to see that his Flames of Righteousness had almost expired. Charging forward, he batted away an incoming arrow with his sword, the flames fading as he reverted to being a melee fighter once more.

Luckily for him, the slow had not worn off and he was now in range to slice at the archer, bringing up his sword, Eric began to hack at the Archer who controlled his character to frantically avoid the swings, abandoning offense in order to avoid getting turned into sushi by Eric's questing blade.

Activating Leap, the Archer jumped backwards, putting the two at range once more, only this time Eric did not have Flames of Righteousness to make the fight one between two ranged characters.

Taking the Archer's one sided punishment, Eric activated Graceful Boon, giving his Angel a small heal and a minor movespeed boost which he used to once again retreat. Checking his health which was rapidly dropping, Eric grinned, controlling his Angel to point her sword towards the Archer and giving the player a thumbs down.

Ignoring this action, the other player continued to assault him, moving forward to chase Eric's fleeing character and secure the kill, "You should've listened bitch," Eric muttered with a grin. Before the grin could fade an axe came flying in from the bushes at the side of the lane, slamming into the unprepared Archer and erasing a good portion of his health.

As Eric watched, a hulking barbarian emerged from the jungle, charging towards the helpless Archer that had been slowed by the axe. Not wanting to miss out on the kill, Eric activated Reckoning, throwing it towards the barely moving target the Archer represented as he desperately attempted to make his character retreat.

Without Leap, the Archer was easy prey for Nick's Berserker who netted an easy kill thanks to Eric's help. Giving Eric an appreciative thumbs up, the Berserker dove back into the jungle, hunting for his next kill as Eric pushed the lane towards the Archer's tower, retreating back to his own tower to recall to his base.

"Nice kill you guys. Nick, you going to be able to four man bot with me once teleport comes off cooldown?" Mark inquired from the toplane, where his Gravity Controller faced off against an opponents Samurai.

"I should be able to yeah, just let me get Eric the Mana Golem first," Nick replied, taking advantage of the advantage they'd gained to steal some of the opposing junglers monsters. Placing a spying totem to watch the opponents Fire Golem, Nick retreated to his own jungle, meeting with Eric to kill the Mana Golem.

Flying back to the mid lane with a floating blue buff circling his character, Eric threw his own spying totem into the bushes that Nick had emerged from only a minute earlier. With that done, Eric began to push the opponents minions back towards the tower, forcing the Archer to come back to lane and defend his tower, rather than grabbing his own Mana Golem with his jungler.

As Eric watched his minimap, the opponents jungler, a Caveman, approached the brush, getting ready for his own gank, "All right. The opponents jungler and mid are both here. You guys are good to go bot," Eric reported, carefully controlling his Angel to stay just out of range of the opposing junglers Rock Toss ability.

Baiting the opponents bot lane towards them, Jun and Rob created an opening for the opponents Shield Maiden to dive in, turning into a flash of light as she dove towards Jun's Knife-Thrower. Activating Barbed Backflip, Jun deftly avoided her followup Shield Bash, tossing a fan of knives towards her which she caught on her shield.

The Shieldmaiden's companion, a Magic Gunner followed up, tossing a few magical bolts from his offhand pistol towards Rob to keep him busy as he charged a Mana Bullet in his main hand pistol. As Jun landed, the ending lag of Barbed Backflip taking effect, the Magic Gunner fired the Mana Bullet, a blue streak tearing through the air towards the helpless Knife-Thrower.

"Got you," Jun said in an almost sing-song voice, as the Magic Gunner moved in closer along with the Shield Maiden to follow up on the attack. As they did so, behind the two attackers, a violet whirl of mana announced the activation of a teleport on top of a spying totem that had been hidden by Rob several minutes previously.

Seeing the teleport, the two attackers broke off their assault, desperately charging back, unfortunately Nick chose this moment to erupt from the brush, repeating his actions two minutes previously in the mid lane. Once more the axe was thrown, once more the opponents were slowed, this time buying time for Mark's Gravity Controller to finish his teleport, arriving in front of the opposing botlane and placing down a Gravity Field in front of them, sealing off their escape and forcing them to fight in a 2v4.

From there, it was a simple matter of cleaning up the two helpless bot laners and taking the tower. Eric continued to dance with the mid and jungler, who'd emerged from the brush in a desperate attempt to salvage something from the situation. Unfortunately for him, Eric played the 1v2 well, staying out of range and defending at his tower, forcing the jungler to waste his time and steal experience from his Archer as Eric's team pushed up the bottom lane.

With that the game was practically over. Ten minutes later Eric's Angel slammed her sword into the opponents base, the hard crystal shattering as the last of its healthbar disappeared.

"Man these games are almost too easy," Jun yawned as they watched the opponents base explode.

"I mean, it's not like they're weak. Those guys were platinum and diamond tier, they just couldn't coordinate," Eric replied, stretching as he moved his mouse to click on the Victory button that had appeared.

"Yeah, they mostly suck. But this is the best we're going to get for now. Professional teams aren't going to scrim against us," said Mark, letting out a yawn that echoed through Eric's headset.

"Anyways, I think I'm going to call it. It's gotten pretty late," said Nick, his name disappearing from Eric's list of online friends as he spoke.

"Yeah it's already 4am. I suppose I should be getting to bed as well," Mark agreed, his name vanishing as well. Murmuring his agreement, Eric closed the Legends of Lore client, leaving Jun and Rob to their devices as he exited the call and flopped onto his bed. He was asleep before his head could even hit the pillow.