Murphy's (2)


Kyp has joined the room.

Biggus_Niccus has joined the room.

Sweet_Temptation has joined the room.

Nelo has joined the room.

Raje_Mode has joined the room.

OMGio has joined the room.

Knight has joined the room.

Boreik has joined the room.

Fogs has joined the room.

Shinvincible has joined the room.

Glad everyone could make it.

Glad to be invited. Can't wait to win that 5k tomorrow.

No way you guys are winning it. That money is ours.

When are you gonna change that name Alfredo?

Why? Does it bother you Nick? Does it bother you that you're Smallus Niccus?

I aint engaging with you lol

lol Alfredo. Nice meme

rofl that's what you get for being the Smallus Niccus Nick.


Too fuckin funny. You should change your Legends nick to that Alfredo.

I might

Pls no

Gotta change your name first man.

This is harassment. I'm calling the cops on you guys.

I'll get my dad to intercept it. No worries Alfredo.

We should raise money for some Rampage Points to allow Alfredo to change his name in game.

I'm in. I'll give you a buck tomorrow








lol. Alright then.

Seriously though, if either team wins it, then no matter who wins it, I say that they give 1k to the others. All ten of us were involved in the practice sessions for the last two weeks. It's only fair that everyone gets to benefit.

Sounds fair

Yeah that sounds good



I don't think I'll be able to win normally. So that's good for me.


I'm just happy to be here

I'm fine with it. We still have to win first though.

Yeah but there's no point talking about prize splitting unless we win. Might as well bring it up now.

I guess yeah. Anyways. Plan for tomorrow?

Meet at Murphy's. Play games. Win.

That plan seems to be skipping a few steps…

Nah it's perfect. We just gotta follow that plan and we'll win easy.

Alright seriously. Be there at Murphy's for 830. Bring your keyboard and mouse if you don't want to use theirs. Tournament starts at 930 but registration ends at 915 so make sure you arrive on time. Got it Eric?

Yeah yeah.

Nick, you going to be able to pick me and Gio up?

I should be able to yeah. I think Raj is gonna grab

Sweet. Gio, you coming over soon?

Yeah I'll leave after this.


You're coming over too Rob?

I gotta steal your cereal bish



I'll get to Murphy's just before 9. Got to drop my sister off at her pottery class first though.

Gotcha, anyone need a ride?

Griffin you good to pick me up?

Yeah that's fine. I'm picking up Mark first so I should get to your place around 830.


I'm serious Eric. Be ready when we arrive. I don't wanna have to sit in your kitchen and talk to your family for twenty minutes tomorrow.

lol did that actually happen?


You guys arrived early. Not my fault that day. Plus my mother was making pancakes and you guys got to eat them.

Those were some good pancakes.

True. But regardless, be ready at 830.

Yeah yeah.

Other than getting there and bringing our gear, anything else we need to go over?

Yeah I joined you guys a few days late, was there anything we need to keep in mind?

Has everyone here been to Murphy's now that I think about it?

You know that Griffin, Jun, and I have.

Gio and I were there for that Smash tournament last year.


I was there for that tournament too.

Oh yeah, Rob you got knocked out in the first round and left early right?

No comment. But yes.

lol really Rob? You shitter.

I've been there once or twice but never to play. Are there special rules?

Yeah I wanna know too. I've never been to Murphy's.

Wasn't there some rule against swearing?

Kind of

So there are two rules that Murphy's enforces pretty strictly. No using racial slurs. And be clean. That means that Jun and Rob, keep your swearing to a minimum. I know it's habit by now but we don't need you guys getting us kicked out. There's a three strike warning, but be careful ok?

Yeah yeah.


As for the clean thing. Literally just take a shower. None of us should have a problem with that, it's mainly for guys like Brian.

Ew. I gotcha.

Make sense Raj? Alfredo?

Yeah sounds good to me. I don't swear too much anyways.

Same here

Please change your name Fredo. I will literally buy you a skin if you agree never to use that name again.

Any skin?

Legendary or below


Biggus_Niccus has changed their name to Spaget

And before the rest of you assholes try to get clever and change it. I'm not above beating the shit out of you.

Seems extreme


Okay back on topic. Strategies. We'll go over strategies one last time once we get to the tournament. I've sent the other guys in team A a document with the strats for our team. Do you guys have something similar?

Yeah I sent them a vid of TSMs last game. Our strategy is just to avoid doing anything they did.



Omg wtf Ryan XD

Yeah I think even I can avoid being that bad.

Kyp has sent a file: Boreik_FeedingOriDoubleBuffLv3

You fuckin saved that?

Your shame shall never be deleted


lol. Okay. Feel free to play a solo match or two. But try to get some sleep. We need to be awake enough for the tourney. They sell red bull and stuff on site so don't worry too much about food and drink.

Sounds good.

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