First Love: Mo Xue (14)

While the Prince is cooing over his bride, helping him with his injuries and tucking him in, the court goes crazy with the physician's finding.

"Now, Minister Ning. What can you say to this Emperor? You claimed your daughter was framed but multiples evidence had clearly shown that Fourth Prince's Consort has been poisoned. Based on what the royal physicians has discovered, he had been poisoned since a few week ago. This Emperor believes this happen when the Prince is away at the border?"

The ministers that were yapping before to have the ger punished were now silent. The Emperor let out a mocking smile before he continues.

"Plus, one of the royal physicians, Master Xue, has found evidence of poison from a bowl of bird nest, which was sent personally by Concubine Ning and her maid before. Now, what can you say about that?"

The crowd goes silent before the father try to stammer his apologies towards the Emperor.

"This servant- this servant didn't know, Your Majesty. Please-please, I beg your pardon. Please consider this as a father's anxiety towards one child. Please, Your Majesty, this servant beg you, please give mercy to this one's daughter."

The Emperor straightens up his back and his playful gaze turns cold, making the whole court shivers in fear. They all know despite the easy going look the Emperor is fond to portray, His Majesty is one of the most dangerous person on earth, having the power and authority to eliminate the one that spoil his eyes.

Minister Ning went silent, with his body bow low; visibly tremble under the Emperor's overwhelming pressure.

"This Emperor have gotten news, our Prince haven't been making the news of his concubine being detained out in public. This Emperor believe that he still have some respect towards you and your daughter. But you, Minister Ning, dare to make this public, openly denouncing the Consort that This Emperor has chosen for his Prince. You even dared to slander the royalties to cover the treacherous act of your daughter. The act of poisoning royalties is already considered as an act of treason! Are you trying to rebel?!"

The courtiers were shock with the sudden anger of their Emperor, making them simultaneously kneel and bow their head to the floor. Apologies rang throughout the whole court, as the courtiers are trying to appease their angered Master.

"Silence! Head Attendant, note down my decree."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The head attendant approach His Majesty, bowing low, ready to accept his decree, while another assistant, down at the small table pull himself up, ready to write. While the rest of them, is still on the floor.

"This Emperor is giving Concubine Ning, the Fourth Prince's Concubine, and her entire attendants, death penalty, for the act of poisoning the Fourth Prince's Consort."

Some small gasp can be heard from the courtiers but other than that, none of them have spoken.

"As for Minister Ning, for speaking out of turn and trying to blame others, one year of salary deduction. Since this can be considered as his anxiety towards his child, he may keep his position and rank. But, his other child, sons and daughters, are no longer able to serve the Palace and its lineage."


I'm currently snuggled up in my husband's cosy embrace, while listening to the court progress, reported by Zero Three. I have to really concentrate as I keep getting distracted as my husband's hand play with my hair.

Heck, I almost purr in satisfaction.

In the end, Concubine Ning got what she deserves. But, the main problem is, what I'm going to do with Concubine Shen. Based on my memory, or the original Jae Hee's memory, he hasn't got any contact what so ever with that woman. Compare to the rest of the Prince's harem, he have actually met all of them, at least once, but not, the green tea bitch.

Tok, tok.

A low knock on my chamber make me pull out and involuntary land my gaze at the door. The Prince lands a peck on my hair, urging me to lie down while he step down the bed and walk towards the door. I blankly stare at his muscled back, unconsciously trying to remember the feel of each muscle beneath my fingers.

Shit, Jae! What are you thinking?

I immediately turn my gaze around, turning on the bed, facing the curtained wall. I can feel my blood rushing up my veins, to my face and... other places too.


It's not the time to be horny. Argh! Thinks about... erm, horses. Yes, horses being slaughtered. Okay, that's it... but, ew...

"My dear?"

My body turn stiff as I heard the call. Slowly, I turn back, glancing at him from under my duvet. He laughed seeing me. His tinkling laughter went deep inside my heart, unknowingly, I smile at it.

"I have to go for now. Royal Father has presented a decree to punish Concubine Ning. I have to take care of it."

I nod in understanding, as he hunch over, dropping a peck on my head. Before he left the bed, I impulsively catch the sleeve of his robe, making him turn back at me.

Argh! Why did I do that?

Facing the Prince's questioning look, I hide further under the duvet, tucking in until my nose. He seems to be waiting for me as he plays with my hair. Why does he like to play with my hair? Does he have some sort of hair fetish?

Focus, Jae. Focus.

"Xu- Xue Er. Will- will you come, for... dinner?"

My voice sounded in a soft whisper. But even then, I felt like the pitch is up by several notch.

"Does my dear wants me to?" He asks back making me unconsciously nod a few times. By the time realized what I'm doing, he's already let out his tinkling laugh. I can only sink further into the duvet, half pouting.

"Of course, my dear. Wait for me."


As soon as the Prince leaves his Consort's chamber, countless maids scramble off from their hiding place, making their way back to their masters. A moment later, countless of breaking and trashing sound rang throughout the inner courtyard of the Fourth Prince, as the ladies scream murder towards a certain ger. All, but one.

"My lady, it will be very hard to approach that ger now. The Prince has ultimately set up guards and all the new maids are afraid to go against him as they know what had happen to Concubine Ning's maids. Plus, with the royal decree, even the Emperor is giving out a silent warning."

"Hmm, it's seems like the Emperor really treasures that ger."

Concubine Shen lazily lounge on the day bed, her maids are pampering her with foot massage and such while she listen to her head maid's report, as she whisper it to her.

"Have you made contact with father?"

"Master asks me to tell you to lay low for a while, until this whole thing cool down. He has also ask me to pass you a letter. He warned burn this letter after you read it."

The lazy look on her face changes with this. She waves away all her maids, as the only one she trust is the head maid, the one that have been following her from home. Beckoning her head maid to bring forth the letter, she opens it up and starts to read it. Her indifferent features start to change as she gets to the end of the letter, as she smile in pure satisfaction and malice.

She folds the letter back and step down from the day bed, walking around to the corner candle stand before burning the letter into ashes. Her eyes gleam in wonder as she watches the flame dance before dropping the half burn letter on a tin bowl.

"Father really has a good idea. Tell back to father, his daughter will do as he says."


* The Prince will now address himself as 'I' in front of Jae Hee as a form of endearment. He will still call himself This Prince to others, to place some sort of superiority.