*Title at the end*

Jabba P.O.V

"W-Where am i ?"said shika after she woke up .

"You're on my ship the Asura "i said and she immediately tried to stab me but since i removed her blades she just threw a punch at me .I catched her punch and pushed her back .

"You know you should listen to me before attacking me "

"Oh yeah?I'm sorry but i think that my fist on your face is better than the empty words you're gonna say to me .If i remember you want me to join you ? My answer is no!"

"I knew you would react like that after all you're a strong woman who don't trust people and don't need them either ....But ain't you tired of this life ?"i said with the same look i had in my old life , an empty look.She was shocked even though i didn't if it was because of my expression or what i said .

'That look !!It's even worse than mine !Why is he like that ?'

"Your expression is not normal for a pirate, who are you?"she asked warily .I looked sad for a moment but shook my head and decided to talk about me for once .

"You know in my whole life i never loved anyone except for someone in my crew but it's still relatively new,i had the keys for sucess and i knew the path to follow to have a good life , but i never wanted that .All i ever wanted was to find something that could make less bored , i wanted a more exciting life but everytime i started enjoying new things i just became bored again and it never stopped .Now that i am a pirate my life's exciting yeah sure but sadly there is still a problem" i said as she was still stunned because of all the things her brain had to process .

"The problem is simple , i still don't know what my heart really want "i said and her eyes widened.

'What is heart want ? it's like Draco .....it's like me'she thought while a new unknown feeling was starting to appear .

"You know wether it's good or bad i canno-"

"you cannot decide what is really bad or good , your heart wants you to be the two at the same time"i was kinda shocked she knew what i was thinking but when i saw her expression i understood something.

'She is like me !!'

"*Sob*Y-you know i too never knew what my heart truly desired , i was constantly conflicted so i just decided to do something that would occupy me so as to not think about this "she said as she started to sob .I walked towards her and hugged her .

"I never thought i would ever encounter someone like me in such a world but ....."

"Shika, i'm Shika"

"Shika maybe just maybe , we could understand our hearts if we helped each other .Be it to understand the Good or Evil"i said

"Or even just to understand our emotions if they truly exist or if they're just illusions "

"You should come with me "

"I'm an assassin"

"And?You can still come with me , in this world who's like us ?We may not be the only one who don't understand their hearts but it's not for nothing if we encountered each other today "

"*SIGH*You are right but it's what i've done during my whole life .It didn't help fill the hollow hole i think i have instead of a real heart but it's still important to me ."

"More important than a possible chance to finally find your true nature ?"

"If you put like that then no but stil-"

"Shika"i said as she turned towards me and looked at me in the eyes .

"Come with me shika , i cannot promise you happiness but atleast in this vast ocean you will be with someone like you"

"I.....okay i accept but what is your goal ?"

"I want to explore the fallen kingdom,get the treasures of the Karasu pirates and become the best pirate this world ever saw!"i said and she was dumbfounded but still nodded while looking at me with a genuine smile .

"Then CAPTAIN i should tell you that the karasu pirates live in the fallen kingdom and if what my information said is true then they want to start the biggest pirate war in the world so they could show the world true fear as they said.Also in the ocean there is no pirate that have a really higher status than another so if you want to take control of the ocean than you will have to either participate in this war should it ever happen or make sure that everyone knows who's the boss "she said as i smirked.

"Don't worry when the time come i will show them the power of the Katakuri pirates .Well now that everything is settled let's introduce you to the crew"i said and she nodded.We then exited the room and made our way towards the deck where everyone was .

"Well everyone this is Shika or the Black Rose the most famous assassin in this part of the ocean (a quarter )She will become the lieutenant in charge of the Marines warships while Pudding take the thousands sunnies and Erza the Kujas.Everyone is good with that ."

"YES CAPTAIN!!"they shouted and returned to their posts in order to move the fleets towards our next destination .

The Tiken island , governed by the marine vice admiral : Shebo of the lion claws .(he uses wolverine like claws that are extremely sharps and since he has insane reflex and speed he is easily level 8 or border 9 compared to the 4 admirals who are all Mystical level so he is just a little bit stronger than normal vice admirals )

[Ding! mission accomplished .

Reward:100 000 Op, new training special seal and New S rank mission]

[Ding!New mission :Destroy the marine base on the tiken island and kill Shebo .


Reward: 200 000 Op , Sode no shirayuki(a zanpakuto or Soul-Cutter Sword, that looks like a normal katana in it's normal form but turns completely white and have a white ribbon that come from the pommel while in shikai activated with the voice command Dance Sode no shirayuki.The bankai White Haze Punishment changes the user appearance and give a white outfit covered in snow with a crown on the back of the head while ribbons come from the outfit and the user is surrounded by an aura of ice .)]

'Well looks like i'm gonna have a bounty huh ?'i thought while i smirked.

"By the way i'm gonna give you another name like for erza and pudding"

*Black Rose*