The General's Banquet

General Zheng was one of the four generals who led Long Kingdom's army. They were all masters at the peak of the True Ascendant Rank. General Zheng remained the strongest among the four generals for almost ten years. With such power came prestige, so many noble and influential people were eager to attend his banquet.

Despite the elegance and fame that GEneral Zheng possessed, he was a vile man. The reason a lot of people glossed over his less than gentlemanly behaviour is because he was powerful and he was handsome.

This was why even though the maids had seen his cruelty first hand; they think the person on the receiving end might have deserved it. So it came as no surprise to anyone when the maids were clamouring for the opportunity to catch his eye. They hoped to sleep with him a possibly bare a child for him.

In all the years, ' people have known the general; they only heard about him having two sons. One was dead, and the other broke ties with the general manor. Some heard he was a genius, but no one was clear about this since he left the continent.

Now the time has come where the young maids wanted to strike. The general liked pretty young things, and this was their moment to shine.

The banquet was in full swing by the time the sun had set. The first round of drinks and food was plated and served before the guest came into the courtyard. So when the guest arrived, they only had to sit and eat.

Now that the first round of refreshments was dwindling, it was time for the maids to step forwards and bring more while removing the waste from earlier.

Bai Ling was in the group of maids who delivered the second batch. At first, no one noticed her since all maids are required to lower their heads.

It was not until she placed the dishes down that a few of the noblemen present noticed her.

"Did the General get a new maid?"

"Who are you talking about." The man talking pointed in Bai Ling's direction and a few men who saw her started to whisper.

"She is beautiful, and her skin is so white." The lust-filled gazes of the men darted to Bai Ling, and she unknowingly became the focus of the ball.

General Zheng was seated at the head of the main table, and he was talking to a few close friends. The table was engulfed in merry laughter and the sound of the cups clanking together.

Eventually, the talks of a surreal beauty made it's way to the General's table.

"General Zheng, I heard that one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom is now your maid." The guest there were confused. The most beautiful women were of noble birth.

"Where did you hear this?" General Zheng was lost.

"The men from the other tables were discussing her. She seems to be one of the maids who served the food. They talked about buying her freedom from you.

General Zheng had no idea who this maid was. If a guest wanted to bargain for your servants, it showed how high quality they were. The General knew that it was Cheif maid Chen who hired and fired the maids.

"Really? I don't know much about the maids here. I leave that job to the women." As he was saying this, General Zheng looked at the men by the next table. They were fervently discussing something while looking at the servant's exit.

A little while later, the maids started to come out with more dishes. The men immediately perked up.

When Bai Ling made her way out, even when her head was lowered, many still saw her beauty.

"There she is, the little beauty they were talking about." This was the man who spoke to General earlier. General Zheng stopped talking to one of his peers and turned to where everyone was looking.

A beauty indeed. Even the general found himself stunned. It was not an exaggeration to say she was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.

At that time, General Zheng felt proud that she was in his estate. Thinking about this, he calmed down.

He could inquire about her later.

The other girls at the banquet were furious at Bai Ling. They preferred her to stay in the kitchen where no one would see her. Who knew that the head maid Chen would place her in the banquet hall?

Now their chance of attracting anyone was gone.

Bai Ling, on the other hand, had no idea what was going through everyone's head. Wherever she went would be silent as everyone took in her beauty.

Her only goal was to serve the last of the food and retreat to her room.

"Okay, okay, everyone. Stop staring at the servants and let them do their jobs." This statement brought people back to reality.

As the night went on, more and more people stopped talking about Bai Ling, but they did not forget her.

Who could forget someone with such a face?

The banquet ended on a positive note with many of GEneral Zheng's acquaintances promising him to visit often. He knew why they said this, but he did not expose them.

When General Zheng came back from sending off the guests, he requested that the head maid, Maid Chen come to him. Maid Chen quickly made her way to the general's courtyard. After passing through the countless guards, she finally came face to face with him.

"You summoned me, master?" Cheif Maid Chen was rarely seen in such a submissive position. The only person she feared in the manor was the man before her.

"Yes. Did you recently take in a new maid?" Bai Ling's figure flashed in Maid Chen's mind.

"Yes, master. A young girl of thirteen called Bai Ling. We took her in almost a year ago." General Zheng furrowed his brows. How come he did not hear or see her before today?

"Where is she stationed?"

"The kitchen, master." Cheif Maid Chen didn't dare to look up at the terrifying man before her.

"Bring her to me. Clean her well and bring her to my chambers."