Refine You Chi!

"Today, we are going to delve into basic alchemy." Instructor Ding spoke to the students. "Since you are all first years students, you won't be crafting weapons, potions or pills. You will be learning how to differentiate and cleanse the materials instead."

Bai Ling was not interested in this part of the lesson initially. After watching the martial practice for the Raven Claw Strike, she wanted to relax. However, instructor Ding told her that pills and potions helped cultivation.

She wanted to increase her level of cultivation quickly. So she listened closely to instructor Ding.

In this continent, you can either train to be a martial artist, alchemist or doctor. Each class had its own set of skills one must learn. If you wanted to be an alchemist or doctor, you had to at least be at the Martial Ascendant Realm. Chi was needed to heal and craft effectively.

"You all will receive this manual on the different herbs recorded on this continent." Instructor Ding Ji handed the manual to everyone.

When Bai Ling looked through hers, she saw various plants she hadn't seen before. Some were drawn to be on fire, some were cocooned in ice, and some were partly animals.

Moments like this made Bai Ling gape in astonishment at how different the world was.

"You will be tested on these herbs so try to remember them. Another thing to note is the midterm test is coming up in two weeks. This test does not dictate the rest of your school career, but it is important to place well in this test."

This got the students excited; even Bai Ling was looking forward to seeing other students use magic.

The class went on for another two hours before all the girls were dismissed. Bai Ling only had one thought on her mind now that she had free time. She had to refine her chi so she could find out what element energy she matched with.

Bai Ling went around, trying to find a secluded spot to refine her chi but came up short. Too many students were around.

She thought back to the forest area from earlier and decided to try her luck there. Bai Ling went for her books and headed to the woods.

Walking through the forest, the dense trees gave Bai Ling an eery feeling. If anything happened to her in there, she couldn't 't call for help. Shaking off the ominous thought, Bai Ling found a spot to settle down.

Looking at all the books Bai Ling had to read, she wanted to find time to read them. Now that she found such a good spot, Bai Ling chose to read them there.

Looking through the different elemental books, the one she felt the most drawn to was Fire. She couldn't explain it, but she had a feeling that fire was her calling.

After reading through the introduction of each element, Bai Ling had a faint idea about what each had to offer.

Each elemental energy grew and transformed with the person. So as one advanced from Martial Ascendant to True Ascendant, Divine Ascendant to Emperor Ascendant, the elemental energy upgraded as well.

With Fire, the energy starts as a small bead.

Bai Ling got into the crisis cross pose to begin refining the chi. When Bai Ling started to concentrate, she was shocked that an outline of her body appeared in her mind. She could vividly feel everything in her body and see it as well.

An unruly ball of orange light swirled around her entire body. Four points that were located in her head, chest, stomach and lower abdomen were where the orange light condensed.

Bai Ling was fascinated by what she saw and when she focused on one point in her body for a long period of time, a dull ache formed.

Bai Ling was stunned for a while when a voice rang out.

[You idiot! Do you want to kill us?]

This startled Bai Ling, and she broke her formation. It was the voice she heard before

"Where are you? Show yourself."

[To think I latched unto an idiot like you. I should have just laid down and died in the last world.]

Last world? This meant that it was something that followed Bai Ling from her last world. What was this? Was there something more to how she came here?

"You knew me from the past?"

[Are you deaf? Of course, I knew you. I have been stuck with you since you were born.]

Since she was born? Why didn't she know?

"What are you? Are you inside me? Also, What did you mean when you said I was going to kill us both?"

[You don't need to know what I am, you won't understand anyway. I am inside you, didn't you see the red mark on your chest? About earlier, you almost killed us. Didn't you see that your dantian point was about to explode? You rerouted to much chi there. It was the on in you head no less...idiot.]

Bai Ling was annoyed by his namecalling. The brat didn't sound older than five. She ignored this and focused on what he was saying. He said she rerouted energy to one of the points she saw.

"How do I reroute and refine?" Bai Ling went back into her pose and closed her eyes.

[I will tell you, but try not to kill us. If you die, I die. Although you won't feel the pain of rebirth, I do. Now, look at the points from a distance in your mindscape, and slowly redistribute the chaotic energy swirling around you into the streams connecting the points.]

Bai Ling was confused; she didn't see any streams, just the ball of energy and the four points.

[Fool! You have to feed it energy for it to appear. Slowly take in the energy. You can already feel it. But to refine the chi, it must be done slowly.]

Bai Ling did as he said and absorbed the energy around her slowly. She felt like a sponge soaking in cool water. Eventually, the ball shrunk a little. The energy she absorbed went into the points and then what happened next shocked Bai Ling.

The energy started to move through a thin straw-like tube away from the points. The tubes branched out and around her body from head to toe. A soothing coolness drummed through her body.

[Congratualtions fool, you finally refined you chi.]