The Horrors Committed by the Bao Family 1

Bai Ling hopped across the different buildings as she made her way to where Xiao Bao's aura was. She arrived in a thriving night scene where many young nobles gathered.

The most prominent of the places there was the tea house. Multiple carriages stopped outside of the teahouse, and many entered in high spirits.

Bai Ling continued to look around until she saw Xiao Bao on the wall of a huge house. Bai Ling leapt towards him and landed next to him.

"So this is his house?" Bai Ling nudged her chin in the direction of the courtyard.

Xiao Bao, who had food in his hand, nodded.

"Yes." This one of the few times that Bai Ling heard his voice out loud, so she looked at him. Bai Ling smiled at how cute he looked when he ate. He was probably too absorbed in eating that he didn't realize he spoke out loud.

"He is inside there now. I touched his hand to find his memories, and it is not good." Xiao Bao ignored Bai Ling afterwards and kept eating. Xiao Bao then gave Bai Ling access to everything he collected.

The usually calm Bai Ling was enraged when she saw the memories Xiao Bao collected.

"This family doesn't want to live anymore!" Bai Ling wanted to storm right into the Bao Family's property, but Xiao Bao stopped her.

"Do you want to die? Think with your head, fool!" Bai Ling calmed down and crouched on the wall. Xiao Bao was right; she had to think about what she had to do carefully.

Not long after, Bai Ling did not have to wait for an opening. Bao Ming himself came waltzing out of the gates, talking about partying at the teahouse. He felt for his money pouch and saw that he didn't' have it on him.

Bao Ming ordered his coachman to go back for the pouch since he was too lazy.

Bao Ming was about to board his carriage, so Bai Ling jumped down, not wanting to miss her chance. Bao Ming heard the fluttering above his head and looked up.

"What?!" Bai Ling landed before Bao Ming; bloodlust evident in her eyes.

"You know, I didn't like you the first time I met you but to think your whole family was just as disgusting." Bao Ming was instantly overwhelmed by Bai Ling's aura.

His innate talent was limited, and his cultivation was low. So Bai Ling's power brought him to his knees.

"W-what do you want?" Bao Ming's lackeys were not around, so his weakness was even more apparent. As the saying goes, don't brag when you're the strongest amongst losers.

This phrase fits Bao Ming perfectly. He was boastful when dealing with commoner with no cultivation, but against Bai Ling, he was trembling.

"What I want? I want your life! Scum like you don't deserve to live!" Bai Ling grasped Bao Ming's neck and lifted him off the floor.

"My hand is itching from touching such trash." Bai Ling's disgust was shown clearly on her face. Xiao Bao, who sat on the wall, saw how aggressive Bai Ling's words got and knew she was genuinely angry.

The crimes Bao Ming committed alone warranted the whole family's eradication. He had a sick fixation of luring young men into the Bao family to be used for their bodies. Sometimes he would partake, and other times his father's wife would join him. It was a den of abuse, madness and cruelty in the Bao Family's home.

Don't worry. When I kill you, you won't even get the chance to be reborn. I'll take you out of your misery for good!" Bai Ling summoned her flames and then called for Xiao Bai's flames.

A soul burned by a true phoenix's flame will be destroyed for good. Having the chance to extinguish a dark soul excited Xiao Bao.

[Coming!] Xiao Bao placed his box of food to the side and hopped from the wall. His eyes flashed a deep red, and a sweet smile covered his mouth.

[I can't believe I get the chance to see a dark soul.] Xiao Bao came to Bai Ling's side and observed Bao Ming's soul with his phoenix eyes. [So corrupted.]

Bai Ling lowered Bao Ming so Xiao Bao could reach him. Xiao Bao placed his hand on Bao Ming's chest, and a red glow surrounded his little fingers.

Bao Ming was now a crying wreck begging the two before him for mercy.

"Please! Don't do this! I want to live, please!" Despite the snot running down his nose and the drenched face from his tears, he got no sympathy. Bai Ling and Xiao Bao continued.

Bao Ming hollered in pain, but soon after, his body went limp. In Xiao Bao's hand was a deep black ball. Bai Ling was fascinated by it.

"This is a corrupted soul?" Bai Ling wanted to touch it, but Xiao Bao moved it away.

[Dont. Touching a dark soul will infect you with the malice within it. To have his soul be this dark must mean he did more than the glimpse of his memory we saw.]

Bai Ling clenched her fist while trying to take deep breaths. "Before you burn his body, I'm going to sever his head." Bai Ling twisted hard and ripped the head from the body. It was a messy and gruesome sight.

"Let's pay this family a little visit." Bai Ling wrapped the head up and slung it behind her shoulder. With no effort, her outfit changed into a deep black one, and her veil and hat turned black as well.

Xiao Bao went back for his food, and Bai Ling jumped on the wall to look for an opening. She hid her aura and blended into the night. It was good timing on her part since the coachman came back. The coachman looked around for Bao Ming and saw no sign of him.

He was going to mark it off as the young master being willful again when he saw the young master's hat not far from the carriage. The young master loved to be neat, so there was no way he left his hat and left.

After careful observation, the coachman saw scuffle marks on the ground. This alarmed him, and he ran back inside. Bai Ling saw the coachman running back inside, and two men who were hiding in the dark came to light. The manor came to life in the next moment, and someone shouting 'find the young master' was running to the gates.

A barrage of soldiers came from all the openings in the manor and headed towards the main gates. Countless men on horses followed.

Bao Ding was a selfish man, but the only one her cared about was Bao Ming. So when the news of his disappearance reached him, he mobilized all of his men to find Bao Ming.