
I. Mortal Realm (no cultivation)

-----Start of Cultivation-----

II. Expert (extends lifespan upto 500 years)

III. Sage (extends lifespan upto 1000 years)

IV. Emperor (extends lifespan upto 3000

V. Divine (immortal/further classified into):

* Immanent realm

* Transcendent realm

• Mortal realm means no cultivation and elemental affinity (They are either children under the age of 7 or those who failed to awaken an element)

• Each realm is basically divided into 9 levels

• The nine levels are classified into 3 major stages


Sample breakdown of level and stages in a realm:

Expert Realm

I. 1-3: Earth Stage

1: Initial

2: Mid

3: Peak

II. 4-6: Sky Stage

4: Initial

5: Mid

6: Peak

III. 7-9: Heaven Stage

7: Initial

8: Mid

9: Peak

Sample terminology of cultivation level:

"Initial Earth stage of Expert Realm"


Skills are categorized into three, namely:

I. Common: those that can be used with any element

II. Rare: those that can only be used with a particular element

III. Unique: those that are common by nature but are hard to come by

• Skills are "graded" according to realm--meaning a skill scroll with sage grade can only be learned by a sage cultivator, and so on

• sample terminology of a skill: "common class expert grade"


Elemental affinities are divided into:

I. Common:

Earth (defense type)

Wind (agility type)

Fire (strength type/alchemy)

Water (flexibilty type/healing)

II. Rare: has special attribute (not limited to the list)

Lightning (agility/stun effect)

Poison (treacherous)

Ice (upgraded water element/freeze)

Void (space manipulation/forging)

Wood (nature)

Metal (upgraded defense/blacksmithing)

III. Divine: ancient elemental affinities




Guidelines in Cultivation:

Elemental attribute is basically used in infusion of the element in the weapon (basic usage)

Some skills require specific element (secondary usage of elemental attribute)

A skill can be learned only upon entering a "stage" in cultivation using a skill scroll. (thus, an expert realm cultivator can have a maximum of 3 skills)